Monthly Archives: <span>January 2007</span>


Leyton Eric Jeter, oldest son of Eric Freeman and Norma Brady Jeter, June 30, 1962, to January 6, 2007, born in Houston, Texas. In addition to his parents, he is survived by his wife, Shannon Wagner Jeter; son, Leyton Eric …

LIRC says Citizens can raise rates

Louisiana’s state-run insurer won approval for big rate increases on Jan. 17, 2007, meaning double- and triple-digit hikes in insurance costs for homeowners and businesses along the coast. The increases for Citizens Property Insurance Corp. will immediately affect about 140,000 …


Argonaut Group Inc., based in San Antonio, reported that Gregory M. Vezzosi has joined the organization as executive vice president and chief operating officer. Vezzosi will report to Mark E. Watson III, president and chief executive officer, who explained that …

Windstorm expected to be major insurance issue for Texas lawmakers

Funding for the Texas Windstorm Insurance Asso-ciation (TWIA) may not be the only insurance issue on lawmakers’ plates during the 2007 session of the Texas Legislature, but it will likely be the most high profile industry concern as insurance groups …

New Markets

Real Estate Appraisers Nuts & Bolts: San Diego-based AMIS (Alliance Marketing and Insurance Services) is offering broader package policies for real estate appraisers handling residential and commercial property. This policy offers commercial general liability coupled with errors and omissions and …

Industry leaders debate regulation in wake of Democratic Congress shift

The Professional Liability Underwriting Society held its international conference in Chicago in late 2006. Moderating a conference panel, television journalist Forrest Sawyer, a 24-year veteran of ABC, CBS and MSNBC, targeted his questions to a diverse group of insurance leaders …

Slip slidin’ away: The deterioration of the late notice defense

Through a series of opinions, courts seem to be gradually chipping away at insurer’s policy defenses based on late notice of claim or suit, or failure to forward suit papers. The new trend started when the Supreme Court held that …

News Currents

Injured Ark. trucker wins court order for rehearing Judge criticizes state Workers’ Compensation Commission The Arkansas Court of Appeals says the state Work-ers’ Compensation Commission did such a poor job of considering an injured trucker’s claim that it was “impossible” …

Producer appointments available online in Ark.

LEO, an online producer/agency appointment feature offered by service provider Aithenti, has been launched in Arkansas, the state insurance department announced. This new online service will allow for direct appointments and/or agency (shared) appointments or terminations. The Arkansas Insurance Department …

Emergency declaration allows more claims adjusters in Okla.

Oklahoma Insurance Com-missioner Kim Holland declared a state of emergency Jan. 16, 2007, following severe winter weather that all 77 counties in the state. According to the commissioner’s office the declaration will allow emergency claims adjusters from other states to …