Monthly Archives: <span>January 2007</span>

BOPping in on employment practices liability insurance

It’s the ogre hiding under the bridge. And a hungry ogre at that. The owners of many small- to mid-sized companies hope to tip-toe by without incident, but there is no ignoring the potential for trouble. The number of legal …

When all else fails, do something different

An old “Seinfeld” episode portends George Costanza fed up with his string of bad luck. He figures that the things he normally chooses to do end up with something bad happening. George decides that in order for things to change …

Contractors not buying into professional liability

Ames & Gough survey finds as many as 50% of contractors not covered Contractors, project owners, and project finance professionals are increasingly interested in the niche market of contractors’ professional liability insurance (CPLI), according to a recent survey of insurers …

Subcontractor default insurance

Performance bonds or SDI: how they work and what’s the difference The financial health and stability of subcontractors is a constant concern of general contractors. To protect against subcontractor default, contractors traditionally have relied on performance bonds. But with cost …

N.Y., Conn., Ill. AGs bring another suit, this time against Acordia

The attorneys general of Connecticut, Illinois and New York continued their campaign against undisclosed compensation and account steering by simultaneously bringing suit against one of the nation’s largest insurance brokers. The suits were bought against Acordia Inc. and its parent …

Chubb ends contingent commissions

The Chubb Corp. entered into a settlement agreement with the Attorneys General of New York, Connecticut and Illinois to resolve an investigation of customer steering, improper finite reinsurance transactions, and other unlawful industry practices. Under terms of the settlement, Chubb …

AJG resolves federal class action case

Arthur J. Gallagher & Co. has agreed to resolve all claims in the Federal Multi-District class action pending in the New Jersey Federal District Court against commercial insurers and brokers relating to industry-wide contingent commission matters. In its written statement, …

Blueprint for Contractors Liability: Building the case for contractors … and underwriters

For a contractor — and his insurance agent — surveying the general liability insurance landscape, the options can seem overwhelming. Trying to navigate through a vast assortment of carriers and coverages is time-consuming and confusing. Some contractors try to take …

Attributes of an excellent and lasting EPLI program

In this soft market, opportunities are once again strong for employment practices liability insurance (EPLI) program business. However, this time there are markets that have matured with the product and are in a position to structure excellent EPLI programs. In …

Making the case for small/mid-size business EPLI

A client’s financial well-being — and an agent’s own E&O — dictate that employment liability issues be discussed We can assume that today’s litigious employment environment makes it easy for agents and brokers to demonstrate the value of employment practices …