Monthly Archives: <span>January 2007</span>

Labor Groups Sue to Force Employers to Pay for Safety Equipment

The AFL-CIO has joined with the breakaway United Food and Commercial Workers in suing the Labor Department to force adoption of a rule requiring employers to pay for personal safety equipment for workers. The Occupational Safety and Health Administration rule, …

Revere Next Target for Mass. Anti-Fraud Task Force

Massachusetts auto insurance fraud investigators say they will set up shop in the seacoast town of Revere, continuing a model that has had success in several other cities and towns with high claims rates. The Insurance Fraud Bureau of Massachusetts, …

Chubb ends contingent commissions

The Chubb Corp. entered into a settlement agreement with the Attorneys General of New York, Connecticut and Illinois to resolve an investigation of customer steering, improper finite reinsurance transactions, and other unlawful industry practices. Under terms of the settlement, Chubb …

Contractors not buying into professional liability Ames & Gough survey finds as many as 50% of contractors not covered

Contractors, project owners, and project finance professionals are increasingly interested in the niche market of contractors’ professional liability insurance (CPLI), according to a recent survey of insurers writing the business. Yet, less than half of all contractors in need of …

Underwriters Evaluation of Risk – From Most to the Least

Drunk driving death rates decline in 23 states

Drunken-driving deaths declined slightly across the nation in 2005, and the rate of drunken-driving deaths fell in 23 states, according to transportation officials. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration reported that 23 states and Puerto Rico had a decrease in …

Industry meetings in 2007 … beyond insurance

While the insurance industry probably holds more meetings than just about any other industry, insurance professionals targeting certain markets should know about the meetings being held by non-insurance professionals and businesses. Here’s just a sampling. Many national groups have regional …

When all else fails, do something different

An old “Seinfeld” episode portends George Costanza fed up with his string of bad luck. He figures that the things he normally chooses to do end up with something bad happening. George decides that in order for things to change …

Attributes of an excellent and lasting EPLI program

In this soft market, opportunities are once again strong for employment practices liability insurance (EPLI) program business. However, this time there are markets that have matured with the product and are in a position to structure excellent EPLI programs. In …

13 states file briefs against credit scoring

Delaware Commissioner of Insurance Matt Denn has taken arguments against insurance industry use of credit scoring to the U.S. Supreme Court, filing a brief in a pending case involving the practice. The amicus curiae, or “friend of the court,” brief …