Monthly Archives: <span>March 2007</span>

Iowa Man Files Lawsuit Claiming Sexual Harassment at Work

An Iowa man has filed a discrimination lawsuit against his former employer, claiming he was harassed at work because he is gay. David Quick, 43, filed the lawsuit in Polk County District Court, against Emco Enterprises Inc. He said when …

New Mass. Commissioner Accustomed to Being the Judge

The new insurance commissioner for Massachusetts, who started on the job this week, thinks her years of experience in a judge’s robe will serve her well in her new role, one in which she sees herself as an arbiter of …

American Meridian Insurance Company in Receivership

The State of Texas has placed American Meridian Insurance Company into permanent receivership and ordered its liquidation. American Meridian is organized under the laws of Bermuda where it is a company in good standing. It is a wholly owned subsidiary …