Monthly Archives: <span>March 2007</span>


Monitoring the process “I will carefully monitor Allstate’s actions throughout this process to ensure that policyholders entitled to reinstatement are fully protected.” — Louisiana Commissioner of Insurance Jim Donelon, announcing a settlement with Allstate for the 4,772 policyholders in four …

News Currents

Ark. Senate passes teen driving rules; highway bond measure Teenage drivers in Arkansas would have more restrictions on their driving privileges under Senate Bill 196, which recently passed the state Senate. According to the Senate announcement, teens with a learner’s …

FDA says cloned food safe, but could lead to non-covered claims

Products from cloned animals, such as milk and meat, may be safe to eat, but that doesn’t mean there aren’t insurance risks. The problem is that it’s somewhat too soon to tell what claims could arise, and potentially no coverages …

Recent “opt-out” settlements challenge D&O severity, limits assumptions

A recent wave of individual institutional in-vestor securities lawsuit “opt-out” settlements is raising troubling new questions about both D&O carriers’ claims severity assumptions and D&O policyholders’ limits adequacy. An opt-out action involves a separate lawsuit brought by an individual investor …

Teen drinking – South Central states

According to the Pacific Institute for Research and Evaluation costs to states generated by underage drinking include medical care, work loss, and pain and suffering associated with the multiple problems caused by the use of alcohol by youth. Following is …

Texas orders homeowners carriers to justify rates

The Texas Department of Insurance said on Mar. 9, 2007, it will require homeowner insurance carriers to file and justify their current rates in the coming months. The department said 2006 loss ratios, recent changes in the Texas market, and …

Miss. State Farm $50 million settlement falters

Some of the lawyers who helped negotiate a proposed settlement affecting some 36,000 claims with State Farm Insurance Cos. over Hurricane Katrina damage have withdrawn their request for a federal judge to approve the multimillion dollar deal. The proposed settlement …

FDA says cloned food safe, but could lead to non-covered claims

Products from cloned animals, such as milk and meat, may be safe to eat, but that doesn’t mean there aren’t insurance risks. The problem is that it’s somewhat too soon to tell what claims could arise, and potentially no coverages …

Editor’s Note: Truth selling

That jacket makes you look 20 pounds lighter!” “This car is the best one on the lot.” “This house needs no work at all.” Sales pitches such as these can be heard every day. However, such ploys likely do little …

Paul Davis Restoration and Remodeling teams were on the site helping cleanup the debris following February’s tornadoes in central Florida.