Monthly Archives: <span>March 2007</span>

UnitedHealthcare Dividend Plan Under Scrutiny in R.I.

The Rhode Island health insurance commissioner is reviewing a proposal by UnitedHealthcare of New England to transfer $36.8 million in profits made in Rhode Island to its parent company in Minnesota. The public was allowed to comment on the proposal …

Merck Fights Vioxx Class Action Suit Brought by Insurers

Health insurers and union health plans nationwide should not be allowed to sue Merck & Co. jointly to recover money they paid for Vioxx prescriptions, a lawyer for the drug maker argued this week in opposing a lawsuit potentially worth …

In Miss., Dale Moves In with State Farm Settlement as Scruggs Withdraws

State Farm Fire & Casualty Co. will re-examine more than 35,000 Mississippi policyholder claims filed after Hurricane Katrina and “make millions of dollars available” for additional payments, Mississippi Insurance Commissioner George Dale said Monday. Dale said the agreement between his …

Insurance Funds Help Pa. Town Pay for Security Cameras

Money being offered by an insurance company may help pay for security cameras outside the borough pool and public works building, officials said. Delaware Valley Insurance Trust has made the money available to help reduce liabilities, said Jim Gardner, police …

Insurer Delivers First Check to Aid Tornado-Stricken Ala. Town

Representatives from a Boston-based insurance company personally presented a $2 million check to Gov. Bob Riley and Enterprise city officials as the first installment toward the coverage of two Enterprise schools damaged by a tornado on March 1. Officials from …

Dale Says He’ll Fight Removal from MIss. Democratic Ballot

Mississippi Insurance Commissioner George Dale says he’ll take legal action to fight the Mississippi Democratic Party executive committee’s decision to remove him from the ballot. “I intend to continue to be a candidate for insurance commissioner and look forward to …

Fla.: Citizens Property Insurance Corp. Receives Millions from IRS

Florida’s Citizens Property Insurance Corp. received more than $168 million from the Internal Revenue Service as part of an agreement declaring Citizens’ predecessor a tax-exempt entity, a company official said this week. “We received this money from the IRS to …

Kan. Governor Urges Quicker Action by Legislature on Health Issues

Kansas Democratic Gov. Kathleen Sebelius said Monday that the Republican-dominated Legislature is moving too slowly on health care issues, but GOP leaders argued they’re making some progress on market-based reforms. Sebelius criticized legislators most for not embracing her $4 million …

Neb. Director Says Industry is “Poster Child” on Global Warming

Insurance Commissioner L. Tim Wagner has spent close to 40 years in the insurance industry, the last nine as the appointed Nebraska regulator. He takes his role seriously and believes the insurance industry has a real impact on the economy …

Riley Health Proposal Appeals to Ala. Small Businesses

Chris Williams has to consider several factors when making decisions for his business. One of his most important decisions concerns health insurance for his employees. Williams owns Leisure Creations in Russellville, Ala., a company that produces patio furniture for hotels …