Monthly Archives: <span>March 2007</span>

Mich. Chamber, Insurance Institute Critical of No-Fault Related Proposal

The Michigan Chamber of Commerce and the Insurance Institute of Michigan, are urging a no vote in the Senate in response to recent passage of legislation that would make it easier to sue for non-economic damages under the state’s no-fault …

Emergency Management Officials Explain Disaster Aid to Mo. Residents

State emergency management officials said recently that a growing number of disaster assistance programs aimed at helping individuals with storm damage has left many Iowans confused. Ice storms followed within days by a snowstorm and blizzard downed more than 10,000 …

Ill. State University Hosts Indiana Insurance’s School Safety Seminar

More than 100 Illinois education officials attended a free seminar at Illinois State University to learn about best practice school safety planning and sexual abuse prevention from members of Indiana Insurance’s Safety Advantage Network, a group of specialists that supplement …

Mo. Court Dismisses Homeowners’ Lawsuits Alleging Discrimination

Attorneys for a group of homeowners said they will continue the fight after a federal judge dismissed their lawsuits charging some of the nation’s largest insurers with discriminating against black neighborhoods. U.S District Judge Fernando Gaitan Jr. threw out the …

Health Proposals Would Reduce Uninsured and Costs, Analysis Finds

Many current Congressional health care proposals could significantly reduce the number of uninsured Americans and also decrease overall health care expenditures including those for insurance administration and prescription drugs. That is the conclusion eraxched in an analysis of health reform …

N.H. Safety Inspectors Empty 4 Apartment Buildings Over Fire Risk

Residents of four apartment buildings in Berlin, New Hampshire have been ordered to move out after fire safety inspectors found serious violations. The state fire marshal’s office has been working with the city to inspect the city’s approximately 500 multifamily …

N.J. Implements Expanded Safety Rules for Chemical Plants

Chemical facilities in New Jersey using extremely hazardous substances must weigh using safer options and plant workers can now join state inspections under new state policies to improve safety and security at the facilities. Gov. Jon S. Corzine announced the …

Pa. Town Rescue Workers Train for Hybrid Car Accidents

The Uniontown, Pennsylvania volunteer fire department has taught its workers to safely respond to hybrid car accidents in hopes of paving the way for similar programs nationwide. With more than 1 million gas-electric powered vehicles cruising U.S. roads, instructors from …

S.C. Measure Would Require Locks on Cars of Drunk Drivers

All convicted drunken drivers in South Carolina would have to have a special device installed in their vehicles that would prevent them from driving if they have had too much to drink. Under a law passed in 2000, judges can …

Georgia Considers Scrapping Immunity for Emergency Doctors

Families like the Fretwells seem to be forgotten in the annual turf war between doctors and lawyers in Georgia’s Capitol over who should be protected from malpractice lawsuits. Like others, Rodney and Sherry Fretwell paid scant attention the state tort …