Monthly Archives: <span>March 2007</span>

Mass. health insurers agree on $175 a month plan under new law

The average uninsured Massachusetts resident could obtain health care coverage for as little as $175 a month under the state’s insurance law, Gov. Deval Patrick announced as he released the results of negotiations with the state’s health insurers. The lowest …

Insurance exec: China offers lessons in globalization for U.S. and world

C.V. Starr’s Greenberg on China’s economic revolution and making the world safer through globalization I am not going to talk about regulation, not yet. I will soon but it will not be today — real soon. I cannot wait.” Thus …

What lies ahead for agency compensation? Agents could benefit from incentive pay plans replacing contigent income

Incentive pay plans for agents that some insurers are implementing to replace discontinued contingency compensation could work out better for agents than the programs they are replacing. A handful of major carriers banned the use of contingent commissions at the …

A.M. Best likes what it sees in property/casualty personal lines segment

Rating and industry analysts at A.M. Best are maintaining their stable outlook for the personal lines property/casualty segment in 2007 based on what they see as this sector’s continued favorable risk-adjusted capitalization and ongoing operating profitability. They estimate that the …

Mexican trucks to travel deeper into U.S. roadways

Safety advocates say move will endanger motorists and could threaten national security The news that Mexican trucks will be allowed to haul freight deeper into the United States drew an angry reaction from labor leaders, safety advocates and members of …

Number of catastrophe-related laws enacted rose significantly in 2006

State lawmakers ready to exceed or outpace last year’s total Enacted catastrophe-related laws increased dramatically in the states last year, according to the annual survey of state insurance laws prepared by an insurance group. “Ten states enacted 17 catastrophe-related bills …


Fitch Ratings says it does not believe that individual (re)insurers’ financial or competitive positions will be materially altered under the National Association of Insurance Commissioners’ reinsurance task force’s proposal to revamp regulations governing reinsurers’ collateral requirements and cedants’ corresponding ability …

Caribbean nations establish joint disaster insurance pool

Caribbean countries joined by outside donors and international and regional organizations established a $47 million insurance pool to soften the blow from earthquakes and hurricanes. Called the Caribbean Catastrophe Risk Insurance Facility, the program grew out of member governments’ determination …

Where can the agricultural producer turn for economic relief?

Winter storms force farmers and ranchers to take a close look at how to protect their revenue In the wake of the devastating January 2007 agricultural events, including the citrus freeze in California and the Colorado livestock blizzard, farmers and …

Compensation for employee benefits staff should mirror commercial lines

In our travels as consultants to the insurance industry, we have noticed that one of the more elusive “standards” or “norms” is compensation for employee benefits producers and staff. The difficulty in establishing an “average” is that the plans are …