Monthly Archives: <span>March 2007</span>

Key New York workers compensation reform proposals

Key elements of the proposed reform package as released by Gov. Spitzer’s office are as follows: The maximum weekly benefit for injured workers will be increased from $400 to $500 in the first year, $550 in the second year, $600 …

N.Y. City, other U.S. centers need federal terrorism insurance to compete globally, says Supt. Dinallo

A continuing federal role in terrorism insurance is important so that U.S. financial centers including New York City can continue to compete with international markets, many of which are already covered by similar government insurance programs, New York Acting Superintendent …


In urging renewal of the federal terrorism reinsurance program, New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg noted that the city is doing its part. He reported that the N.Y. City police department has built counterterrorism operations that are responding to threats …

Conn. AG probes insurer, agency relationship

Connecticut Attorney General Richard Blumenthal has issued subpoenas in an investigation of bonus commissions and other possible financial arrangements between Middlesex Mutual Assurance Co. in Middletown and H.D. Segur Inc., a large Connecticut insurance agency. “The subpoenas are part of …

Beacon Mutual gets R.I. audit

Rhode Island officials have completed their audit of Beacon Mutual Insurance Co. and turned over the results to the workers’ compensation insurer. However it will be weeks before the public learns what is in the report. Department of Business Regulation …

People and Places

Markel Insurance Co. named Thomas K. “Smitty” Smith as vice president of marketing. Smith joins Markel after three years as senior vice president and managing director of the Richmond branch of Riggs, Counselman, Michaels & Downes, which he established. Before …

It Figures

5% The Virginia sales tax from which items used to prepare for a hurricane would be exempt during the last week of May each year under recently-passed legislation. Sales tax won’t be collected on portable generators costing up to $1,000 …


Delay tactic “I am fully aware that the costs of complying with Real ID are enormous and overly burdensome to states, including Maine. I will be introducing this legislation so that we can pause and take a more measured approach …

Plaintiffs: Md. court reinstatement of class action a breakthrough

A potentially far-reaching ruling by the Maryland Court of Appeals reinstates a class action suit against several U.S. automakers even though the plaintiffs were not injured by allegedly defective seat-backs. Plaintiffs claim seats that collapse backward in rear-impact collisions have …

Mass. health insurers agree on $175 a month plan under new law

The average uninsured Massachusetts resident could obtain health care coverage for as little as $175 a month under the state’s insurance law, Gov. Deval Patrick announced as he released the results of negotiations with the state’s health insurers. The lowest …