Monthly Archives: <span>March 2007</span>

S&P Says Pohjola Ratings ‘Unchanged’

Standard & Poor’s Ratings Services announced that its ratings and outlook on Finland’s Pohjola Non-Life Insurance Co. Ltd. -currently “A+”/Stable – “are unchanged following dividend payments totaling about €300 million [$393.8 million] to its parent company, Finland-based OKO Bank PLC …

Wis. American Family Pays Record $1.1 Billion in Storm Claims

A string of spring storms across the Midwest caused American Family Insurance Co. to pay a record $1.1 billion in storm losses last year. Other insurers, including the nation’s largest insurer, State Farm Insurance, paid out less in storm claims …

Bliss & Glennon Expands Nationwide with Central, Southeast Offices

Bliss and Glennon, Inc., a managing general agency and surplus lines broker, has announced its expansion into the Central and Southeast regions of the country. Robert P. Abramson, director of Excess and Surplus Lines, announced that Bliss & Glennon Central, …

Minn. Alcohol Related Deaths Increase by 11 Percent

The number of 2005 traffic deaths in Minnesota that involved alcohol increased 11 percent from the previous year, state public safety officials said. The Department of Public Safety released its impaired driving facts report Tuesday, saying that alcohol-related traffic accidents …

Munich Re Releases 2006 Nat Cat Report; Focus on Climate Change

In a just released report – “Topics Geo — Natural catastrophes 2006” – Munich Re maintains that “continuing unfavorable natural climate cycle and additional effects of global warming will increase the risk of hurricanes in the current and forthcoming years.” …

R&SA Posts Strong 2006 Results

Unburdened from its U.S. subsidiaries (see related articles), the U.K.’s Royal & SunAlliance achieved strong financial results in 2006, with operating profits up 5 percent to £780 million ($1.5 billion). Other earnings highlights reported by the Group included the following: …

Senate Finance Chairman Wants $50 Billion Increase for Children’s Health Insurance

The chairman of the Senate Finance Committee said Tuesday that he is pushing for an additional $50 billion over five years for a health care program that insures millions of children. That is more than double what the Bush administration …

Maine Insurance Company not Liable in Avon Mountain Crash

A federal judge has ruled that the insurance company for a Bloomfield trucking company involved in a fiery fatal crash on Avon Mountain does not have to pay victims and families of those killed. The ruling involves American Crushing and …

Insurance Company Sues Contractor Behind Botched I-84 project in Conn.

The insurance company that guaranteed a contractor’s work on the apparently botched widening of Interstate 84 in the Waterbury area is suing, claiming company officials siphoned off millions of dollars for personal use and other projects. In a lawsuit filed …

Crist’s State of the State to Encourage Cooperation in Fla.

With a special session on insurance, a natural disaster and initiatives to make government more open and user friendly checked off his to-do list, Charlie Crist was set to outline the agenda for the rest of his first year as …