Monthly Archives: <span>June 2007</span>

FEMA Says No to Iowa Request for Federal Disaster

Iowa Gov. Chet Culver’s request for federal aid to help eastern Iowa recover from a tornado earlier this month has been denied. The twister hit June 1, causing an estimated $2.7 million in damage as it churned a path of …

Experts: Small Risk of Identity Theft in Ohio ‘s Stolen Computer Tape Case

The staggering amount of personal information contained on a stolen state computer tape has worried Ohio residents and led Gov. Ted Strickland to call nearly daily briefings since the device was stolen a week ago. But the sheer amount of …

Fla. ‘Leaning Against’ More Backup Insurance for its Own Fund

The state catastrophe fund that pays damage claims when home insurers cannot is “leaning against” buying additional backup coverage for itself, because the cost would outweigh the need, Florida’s chief financial officer said Monday. The extra reinsurance for the Hurricane …

Miss. Insurance Official Briefs Congress on Abusive Medicare Sales

Deputy Insurance Commissioner Lee Harrell testified before a Congressional sub-committee Tuesday on the problems Mississippi faces regarding the spread of abusive Medicare insurance sales practices. Harrell was joined by fellow state regulators Commissioner Kim Holland of Oklahoma, and Commissioner Jim …

La. Senate Adds Homeowner Tax Breaks to $100M Insurance Plan

If Louisiana Gov. Kathleen Blanco is offering $100 million to insurance companies, then homeowners deserve a $93 million tax break on the premiums they’ve paid since the 2005 hurricanes, the Senate voted June 25. Senators approved Blanco’s financial incentive plan, …

Cahill Joins Colemont-Texas as Broker

Colemont Insurance Brokers of Texas announced the addition of Rob Cahill as a casualty broker in the Dallas office on Terry Moody’s team. At Colemont, Cahill will specialize in construction casualty, but will also place a wide range of other …

Arizona Supreme Court to Review Product Liability Case

The Arizona Supreme Court announced it will be reviewing a product liability case in which a lower court decided that all parties in a distribution chain could not be sued equally. At issue in the case, State Farm Insurance v. …

Fla. Gov. Signs Citizens’ Rate Freeze at Home of Katrina Victims

In Miami, Florida Governor Charlie Crist ceremonially signed legislation to continue insurance reforms by freezing Citizens Property Insurance rates and implementing additional measures he said will help stabilize the insurance market. Senate Bill 2498 freezes Citizens Property Insurance Corp. rates …

Fla. Coalition: Briny Plan is Recipe for Chaotic Hurricane Evacuation

The Florida Coalition for Preservation has asked Secretary Thomas Pelham of the Florida Department of Community Affairs to consider a host of costs that will be borne by taxpayers if the agency accepts the “irresponsible” redevelopment plan proposed at Briny …

Fla. Office of Insurance Regulation Announces Staff Changes

Florida Insurance Commissioner Kevin McCarty recently announced new staff changes for the Florida Office of Insurance Regulation. “The new additions to our management team give the Office an exceptional combination of experience, talent, and expertise; these outstanding professionals will give …