Daily Archives: <span>August 20, 2007</span>

News Currents

Court affirms flood exclusions in La. property policies Two federal appeals court rulings in early August in class-action lawsuits stemming from Hurricane Katrina-related property damage in Louisiana underscored the validity of flood exclusions in property insurance policies. In a highly …

Choosing a big brother

Experts interviewed by The Conference Board suggest some criteria when selecting a potential partner: • Before bringing in lawyers to draw up contracts, get the partnering teams together in a room to talk about philosophy and goals. Said Robert Spekman, …

Living, breathing and insuring golf

Indiana insurance agent Ron Smith has been playing golf since he could “breathe.” His father loved the game. His brothers love the game. His entire family loves the game. So it’s no surprise that Smith, owner of the independent agency …

More than half of all RV owners may not have the right coverage

If your client bought a tractor-trailer or an airplane, you probably wouldn’t put either on their car insurance policy, since both are specialty vehicles and require specialized coverages and claims handling, right? Then why, when asked, do more than half …

18 holes of tips and trivia to get a hole-in-one with prospects and clients

Avid golfers and reluctant duffers alike spend hours each year on the golf course, entertaining prospects and clients. Are you making the most of all that time? Before your next round — whether for league or club play, relaxation, or …


42 The percentage drop in securities class actions, which have fallen well below historical averages. According to the report, the 59 filings recorded in the first half of 2007 was down from the average semi-annual filing rate of 101 reported …

News Currents

No region of country is immune to wildland fires Some states face tougher seasons than others but every state must deal with the threat Historically, the lion’s share of in-season wildland fires occurs in the country’s western regions, however, as …

Choose customers and golf buddies wisely

I figure my life is about half over, Lord willing. The first half was nice. I missed the ‘Nam draft, yet was old enough to appreciate The Beatles and some truly original rock ‘n roll. Despite the dearth of, ahem, …

Wineries’ risks rise when events move beyond tastings

Wineries are drinking to their good fortune, with 13 consecutive years of sales growth and each acre of grapes producing between $15,000 and $75,000 in gross sales value, according to wine industry consultant Jon Fredrikson, also publisher of the Gomberg-Fredrikson …


Rolling NBCR “Rolling NBCR [nuclear-biological-chemical-radioactive coverage] into terrorism coverage will likely result in significantly increased premiums and would likely have the unintended consequence of reducing the take-up rate for terrorism insurance. Requiring any retention of NBCR risk by primary insurers …