Daily Archives: <span>August 20, 2007</span>


Adult bed bugs are small, reddish-brown wingless insects with flat oval bodies. They are usually about a quarter inch long and an eighth-inch wide. After feeding on blood, the bugs become redder, longer and plumper, and then revert gradually to …

The bed bugs are coming! The bed bugs are coming!

Prevention and response to outbreaks can save a hotel’s reputation while warding off litigation In the past half dozen years, reports and statistics about a global resurgence of bed bugs have alarmed hoteliers and their guests. The resurgence has been …


Whitewater rapids generally are classified by level of difficulty. The class levels range from one to six, with one being the easiest and six being extreme, un-navigable and not appropriate for commercial operations. The classifications are considered a general guide …

When fun on the rapids turns into a guide’s liability

The stretch of the Guadalupe River in Central Texas near the town of New Braunfels is a popular, easy waterway for rafters and tubers seeking fun and relief from the normally searing summer sun. Floating the river is usually a …

Keeping up with the traveling carnival

Traveling carnivals have changed dramatically during the 20 years Mitchell Kaliff has presided over the insurance agency his grandfather established in 1917. Gone are the days of freakish or ghoulish side show oddities, old time midway barkers and questionable ride-operators …

Agent maestro conducts instrument insurance program

The string bass with vintage 1860 wood that was purchased in London began to fall apart a month after it was relocated to New England. Another casualty of climate change? Sort of. According to Peter Anderson, an insurance agent who …

Wineries’ risks rise when events move beyond tastings

Wineries are drinking to their good fortune, with 13 consecutive years of sales growth and each acre of grapes producing between $15,000 and $75,000 in gross sales value, according to wine industry consultant Jon Fredrikson, also publisher of the Gomberg-Fredrikson …

18 holes of tips and trivia to get a hole-in-one with prospects and clients

Avid golfers and reluctant duffers alike spend hours each year on the golf course, entertaining prospects and clients. Are you making the most of all that time? Before your next round — whether for league or club play, relaxation, or …

Prize coverage for charity, other events gets a hole-in-one

Limited risk, low-cost for insurance lets the fun and games begin on the course Whether for fun or fundraising, hole-in-one insurance has become a standard insurance coverage on the links for many golf outings. The hole-in-one event can be for …

FORE! Golf club risk moves off course

In June 2007, a California woman was awarded $4.3 million for injuries she received in a golf car crash that left her too disabled to continue her successful photography and jewelry design careers. A wheel of the car she was …