Monthly Archives: <span>February 2008</span>

Medical Costs for Auto Injury Claims Outpacing Inflation

A new study by the Insurance Research Council (IRC) has found that medical expenses reported by auto injury claimants continue to rise faster than the rate of inflation. Average claimed economic losses (which include expenses for medical care, lost wages …

Study: Subprime Crisis Not Materially Affecting D&O

The crisis in the subprime mortgage market has had little impact on availability, cost or policy conditions of directors and officers liability (D&O) and errors and omissions liability (E&O) insurance policies, according to a survey of financial sector risk managers …

D&O Costs Highest for Financial, Tech, Life Science

A new study has found that the financial services, technology and life sciences industries face the highest premiums for directors and officers liability insurance, with the lowest premiums found in energy and manufacturing. That’s according to Carpenter Moore, the wholly-owned …

‘Managing the Cycle’ Remains No. 1 Priority, Lloyd’s Survey Finds

Lloyd’s of London has published its fourth annual underwriting survey, which reveals that “managing the insurance cycle” remains the most important issue for the industry in 2008 with 93 percent of underwriters believing the industry is currently in a softening …

Business Moves

Chartwell Independent Insurance Brokers Chartwell Independent Insurance Brokers LLC, a Los Angeles-based wholesale and specialty insurance broker focusing on high-risk, hard-to-place coverage, has opened a new office in Scottsdale, Ariz., to help meet the growing need among property owners, managers …

Fraud RoundUp

Calif. Insurance Agent Sentenced Calif. Insurance Commissioner Steve Poizner announced the sentencing of a former insurance agent who defrauded an elderly couple of nearly $300,000. Gary Michael Jenkins, 59, of El Cajon, was sentenced Jan. 16 on felony charges and …

Things to Consider When Estimating Subprime D&O Losses

There are likely to be more securities class action lawsuits in 2008 than any year since the passage of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act in 1995. In addition, the subprime-related litigation wave is likely to continue to emerge well …


San Diego-based Barney & Barney LLC named Jim O’Connell principal. He also will serve as director of development for programs, specialty insurance solutions. In that role, he is responsible for both regional and nationwide expansion of new and existing programs. …

Idaho House Passes UIM Rejection Notice Bill

The Idaho House passed legislation (HB 429) this month that requires that auto insurance policies provide underinsured motorist coverage unless the policyholder signs a form specifically rejecting the coverage. HB 429, sponsored Rep. Russ Mathews, R-Idaho Falls, would mandate insurers …

Medi-Spas: Industry Growth Has No Limits

The anti-aging and medi-spa revolution is here to stay some experts say. Just look at celebrities such as 70-year-old actress Jane Fonda or 68-year-old singer Tina Turner to see what transformations can be achieved through anti-aging techniques. What exactly is …