Monthly Archives: <span>February 2008</span>

New Markets

The following markets were selected from the MyNewMarkets database of 25,000 coverages and programs. To find additional markets, or to submit markets, go to Canine Security Nuts & Bolts: MarketScout is offering coverage for bomb and drug sniffing dogs. …

Insurers Criticize Proposed Washington Auto Glass Repair Bill

Legislation approved in early February by the Washington House of Representatives is unnecessary and limits consumer choice, according to the American Insurance Association (AIA). “Policymakers just enacted a law in 2007, SB 5052, that guarantees the right of policyholders to …

It Figures

$79.5 Million The Oregon Supreme Court for a third time upheld a $79.5 million punitive-damages judgment against Philip Morris, an award twice struck down by the U.S. Supreme Court, which suggested it was excessive, the Associated Press reported. A Portland, …

Calif. Department of Insurance Denies it Violated Claims Adjusting Firm’s Settlement Terms

Matthew Todd, vice president of Paramount Disaster Recovery Inc., is claiming a media release by California Insurance Commissioner Steve Poizner misrepresented Paramount’s actions related to a recent lawsuit as well as the terms of a settlement the company made with …

Texas City to Impound Cars of Uninsured Drivers

The Corpus Christi (Texas) Police Department is going to start impounding the cars of uninsured drivers, officials said. About one in three Nueces County, Texas, drivers are uninsured, compared to about one in five statewide, Chief Bryan Smith has said. …

Business Moves

Higginbotham & Associates, ATMD Higginbotham & Associates announced a partnership with Allred-Thompson-Mason-Daugherty (ATMD) in an effort to broaden its Texas presence. ATMD is a general lines insurance agency based in Wichita Falls, Texas, with two offices in Granbury and Henrietta, …

Agog About Blogs

The risks for professional liability gain momentum from this new communications medium The new medium of blogging is changing the way communication is done today with respect to both individuals and the corporate world, says Leib Dodell, president and CEO …

Good Complaints

It’s human nature to complain, even if it is to complain about complaints. But there actually is good news in complaints. Industrywide, they’re down. They can be revealing of trends and troubles ahead. Good can come of them, whether it’s …

Texas Supreme Court Reverses ‘Frank’s Casing’ Ruling

The Texas Supreme Court on Feb. 1 handed down a long-awaited ruling in a case that many believe to be one of Texas’ most significant insurance cases in recent history. The Court reversed its May 2005 decision in Excess Underwriters …

Oklahoma Uninsured Driver Bill Moves Forward

A bill that would limit insurance awards for uninsured drivers involved in an accident has passed an Oklahoma House of Representatives subcommittee. House Bill 3380 by Muskogee Republican George Faught was approved by the House Economic Development and Financial Services’ …