Monthly Archives: <span>February 2008</span>

Pay Raise Suggested for Interim N.D. Workers’ Comp Director

The interim director of North Dakota’s workers compensation agency should get a 3.4 percent pay raise when he returns to his former job, some board members believe. The performance evaluation committee of the Workforce Safety and Insurance agency voted Wednesday …

Aviation Officials Say Kentucky Ruling Could Jeopardize Safety Reporting

A judge’s controversial ruling in a Kentucky plane crash liability case has sparked concern across the aviation industry about the long-term survival of a popular program that allows air travel workers to privately report safety violations. U.S. District Judge Karl …

Judge Declines Indictment Dismissal of Miss. Attorney in Bribery Case

A federal judge on Wednesday in Mississippi declined to dismiss an indictment in a judicial bribery case against powerful attorney Richard “Dickie” Scruggs and two others. Scruggs, his son Zach and law partner Sidney Backstrom are accused of trying to …

Study Ranks Iowa Fourth-worst for Bridge Conditions

The condition of Iowa’s bridges ranked fourth worst in the nation, with nearly a quarter structurally deficient, according to a study released Wednesday by a coalition of industry groups. The study found that 21 percent of Iowa’s 5,153 bridges were …

Magnitude 6.0 Earthquake Strikes Northeastern Nevada

A strong earthquake struck near the northeastern Nevada town of Wells Thursday, causing major structural damage to some older masonry buildings, igniting small fires and bursting windows in homes and businesses. According to reports, the shock was felt in 225 …

Fla. Lawmakers Confront Property Insurance, again, in 2008 Session

Property insurance wasn’t supposed to be the big issue in the 2008 Florida Legislature. To the chagrin of many lawmakers, it just won’t go away. Legislators thought they’d largely taken care of the issue last year when they passed a …

N.C. Brush Fire Damages 12 Homes in Charlotte; One Injured

North Carolina firefighters fought a large brush fire Wednesday that damaged a dozen homes in a Charlotte neighborhood. Charlotte Fire Department Capt. Rob Brisley said the fire heavily damaged two of the homes. Brisley said one person was injured. The …

S.D. Schools Have 26,000 Pounds of Beef Recalled by Government

Officials say South Dakota schools may have up to 26,000 pounds of ground beef that has been recalled by the government. The U.S. Department of Agriculture ordered the recall of 143 million pounds of beef from a California slaughterhouse that …

Allstate Settles La. Home Policy Cancellation Disputes

Allstate Corp. will restore insurance coverage for hundreds of customers and pay $250,000 to resolve disputes over cancellation of south Louisiana homeowner policies after Hurricane Katrina, the company said this week. The Northbrook, Ill.-based company has clashed with state Insurance …

3 Additional Tennessee Counties Approved for Federal Disaster Aid

The federal government authorized a major disaster declaration for three more counties in Tennessee, according to Gov. Phil Bredesen. Fayette, Haywood and McNairy Counties are now eliglble for federal assistance in addition to several previously designated counties. Wednesday’s authorizations were …