Monthly Archives: <span>February 2008</span>

Texas Joins Rest of the U.S. in Profitability Upswing of Last Few Years

I.I.I.’s Hartwig says the state is still one of the riskiest in which to operate The last few years have been good ones for the property casualty insurance industry in terms of profitability. But it’s been a long time coming, …

More Atlantic Hurricane Activity Doesn’t Mean More Landfall Risk

New research on the link between the formation of hurricanes in the Atlantic basin and U.S. landfall activity suggests that using Atlantic basin hurricane activity as a proxy for landfall activity can lead to erroneous estimates of both landfall risk …

Alabama Counties Get Disaster Aid

Alabama residents of Lamar and Pickens counties may be eligible for federal assistance resulting from the severe storms and tornadoes that passed through the area on Jan. 10. Gov. Bob Riley encouraged homeowners and businesses in need of help to …

Allstate Still Writing in Fla. But For How Long?

Allstate insurance companies can keep on writing new policies in Florida under an appeals court ruling that rejected the state’s attempt to stop them, but which also potentially sets up a quick resolution to the standoff. The state’s 1st District …

AIG Reaches $12.5M Settlment With States Over Bid-Rigging Allegations

American International Group, Inc. (AIG) has reached settlements with Florida, West Virginia, seven other states and the District of Columbia relating to their investigations into alleged bid-rigging and price-fixing and questions about undisclosed contingent commissions paid to brokers. Under the …

It Figures

2 The number of fires in consecutive days in a University of Tennessee dorm that prompted the state fire Marshal to begin a 24-hour fire alert and watch. The Knoxville Fire Department responded to calls after fires in a fifth …

Florida Eyes Reduction in Collateral Requirement for Some Reinsurers

Gov. Crist and state officials suggest the change would free up more capacity but others question that theory Insurance trade organizations believe a move by Florida Gov. Charlie Crist to reduce collateral requirements for foreign reinsurers in the state’s insurance …

Ala. Supreme Court Reverses, Relaxes Rules on Chemical Injury Suits

In a 5-4 decision, the Alabama Supreme Court reversed direction and allowed lawsuits from workers who become ill many years after being exposed to dangerous chemicals. The majority said the two-year statute of limitations for filing suit begins to run …

It’s Time to Undo Florida’s Property Insurance ‘Reforms’

A year has passed since Gov. Charlie Crist and a nearly unanimous Legislature hailed the arrival of a new era for Florida’s property insurance system. They promised lower rates, greater availability of insurance, and a more vibrant insurance market. Today, …


Florida Sweep “While I understand the current challenge to find resources in this year’s budget, I am concerned about the recommendation to sweep $129.5 million from the Workers’ Compensation Administration Trust Fund. A trust fund sweep of this magnitude will …