Monthly Archives: <span>May 2008</span>

U.S. Court Bars Sex Bias Claim by Maine Mom Denied Promotion

A federal court has blocked a Maine woman from suing her employer for sex discrimination after she claimed she was denied a promotion because of her childcare responsibilities for her four children including 6-year old triplets. Laurie Chadwick complained that …

U.S. Lists Toxic Substances Tied to Occupational Diseases on Web Site

The U.S. Department of Labor has added to its Web site information about occupational diseases associated with toxic substances. The list is of toxic substances found at facilities covered by Energy Employees Occupational Illness Compensation Program Act (EEOICPA). In addition …

Groups Challenging New Maine Health Tax, Driver’s License Laws

Maine election officials said this week that they’ve accepted applications from four groups that are challenging a pair of recently enacted laws, but the four groups could morph into two as the campaigns develop. A group calling itself the Fed …

AXA Q1 Group Sales Fall by 2.7% to $43.5 Billion

France’s AXA Group, Europe’s second-biggest insurer, said first-quarter group sales fell 2.7 percent to €28.066 billion ($43.46 billion) with turnover hurt by adverse foreign exchange rates and the credit crisis. Life and savings new business sales on an annual premium …

Kingsway Q1 Financial Results Hit Again by Lincoln Reserving

Specialty insurer Kingsway Financial Services swung to a loss in the first quarter as it increased reserves at its Lincoln General and Kingsway General subsidiaries, the company said Wednesday. Kingsway, which sells non-standard truck and auto policies, said it lost …

New Study Calls for Broad Climate Fight, Not Just Gas Emission Cuts

An assault on climate change on many fronts makes good economic sense but will be money badly spent if the world focuses exclusively on cutting greenhouse gas emissions, a new study said on Thursday. A 100-year package costing $800 billion …

Munich Re Q1 Profit Down 19% to $1.2 Billion; Maintains 2008 Profit Targets

The Munich Re Group recorded a profit of €785 million ($1.2 billion) for the first quarter of 2008, down 19 percent from the €974 million ($1.495 billion) in the same period of 2007. The Group’s Operating result, which excludes finance …

S&P Report: Solvency II More Significant for European Insurers than Credit Crunch

Standard & Poor’s Ratings Services has published a report – “Subprime Asset Losses And Related Capital Market Disruption Still Have Little Effect On European Insurance Industry” – which says “it expects U.S. subprime asset mark-to-market losses and the broader disruption …

Eudy Joins RenRe as Senior VP

Bermuda-based RenaissanceRe Holdings Ltd. announced that Dan R. Eudy has joined the Company as Senior Vice President of the Glencoe Group, which conducts the organization’s Individual Risk business. He will report to William J. Ashley, Glencoe Group CEO, and is …

Validus Forms Latin American Sub

Bermuda-based Validus Holdings, Ltd. has formed a company, Validus Reaseguros, Inc., which will act as an approved Lloyd’s coverholder for its Syndicate 1183. Based in Miami, the company will specifically target the Latin American and Caribbean markets. “As an approved …