Monthly Archives: <span>May 2008</span>

Carrier Stock Prices on the Rocks Thus Far in 2008 But M&As Robust

Stock Prices Consistent with the market as a whole, the carrier sector has had a rocky start to the new year, trading down 10 percent. M&A Activity M&A activity in the property/casualty sector remained robust as the new year began. …

A Soft Market Solution: MGAs and Risk Sharing

Part1: Retaining limited underwriting risk could offer MGAs a way to bolster revenue Editor’s Note: The following is part one of a discussion of the risk retention options available to MGAs, the sundry variables which may affect their execution, and …

Match-making: What Retail Agents Want From Wholesalers and MGAs

Exclusive Insurance Journal survey: successful relationships depend on markets and service in soft or hard cycle Like the love-lorn users of, independent agents hunting for business partners among surplus lines wholesalers and managing general agents are thinking long-term, not …

Risk Retention Groups Could Add Property Coverage Under Bill in Congress

Legislation designed to modernize the federal Liability Risk Retention Act (LRRA) of 1986 was introduced into Congress on April 15. HR 5792, or the “Increasing Insurance Coverage Options for Consumers Act of 2008,” would allow risk retention groups (RRGs) to …

Seminars Help Generate New Sales and Marketing Techniques

Catherine recently attended a CIC Ruble seminar on Sales & Marketing in San Diego, Calif. The instructors were all very good and their information was timely and useful. We thought we should highlight the great sales and marketing ideas for …

Rep. Kanjorski: Federal Government Must Learn About Insurance Before Regulating It

A key Congressman involved in insurance regulation issues says that Washington does not have the knowledge of the insurance industry it needs to regulate the business and he has proposed a new federal insurance information office to remedy the situation. …

Simple Successful in a Complex World

Woodruff-Sawyer and Co., ranked #16 in the Insurance Journal Top 100 Independent Agencies, continues to grow, handling complex commercial risks here in the U.S. and in foreign countries. Since the agency’s founding 90 years ago, it has kept things simple …

What MGAs Should Know About Carriers’ Due Diligence for Programs

Proper due diligence lays the foundation for a mutually beneficial, long-term business relationship Smart program administrators know that aligning themselves with financially-strong insurance carriers can help attract good clients to their program. While the process of evaluating a program relationship …

It Figures

204 The number of jobs Nationwide Insurance announced it would be cutting from its Portland, Ore., offices, as part of a plan to eliminate certain departments. Company spokesman Joe Case said more than 300 employees will remain in the Portland …

National Insurance Crime Bureau: West Has Highest Vehicle Theft Rates

The West has the highest per capita rates for vehicle thefts, according to the National Insurance Crime Bureau, which ranked the top metropolitan statistical areas (MSA) with the highest per capita rate for vehicle thefts in the nation in 2007. …