Monthly Archives: <span>May 2008</span>

Earthquakes Shake Reno, Bigger Quake Could be Coming

Two moderate earthquakes shook the Mogul-Somerset area just west of Reno, Nev., on April 24, 2008, according to the Nevada Seismological Laboratory. While there were no immediate reports of damage, the laboratory predicts aftershocks will continue to be felt for …

Business Moves

BB&T Insurance Services, Union Bank of California Raleigh, N.C.-based BB&T Insurance Services reached an agreement with Union Bank of California North America to purchase its San Diego-based insurance subsidiary, UnionBanc Insurance Services Inc. The acquisition would expand BB&T’s insurance operation …

Defining ‘Professional Services’ For Specialty Policies Not Always Easy

Professional services” can have connotations ranging from racy “professional” call girls to the more mundane accountants, doctors, lawyers and engineers. From an insurance perspective, liability arising out of “professional services” is generally covered under specialty policies — such as malpractice, …

Consumer Federation Says Prior Approval Works, Industry Says Not True

A nationwide consumer study of automobile insurance regulation says rates have risen more slowly in the 15 states that require insurers to receive advance approval of rate increases from the state in the past two decades. According to the Consumer …

California Aims to Improve Insurance Rate Approval Process

California Insurance Commissioner Steve Poizner has issued emergency regulations that he believes will clarify and streamline the prior approval rate system for insurance. However, a consumer advocacy group said the regulations will likely lead to discrimination in the state’s underserved …

Colorado Motorcycle Fatalities Reach Record High

Motorcycle fatalities are on the rise in Colorado, doubling from 45 in 1995 to an all-time high of 90 deaths in 2007, according to the Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT). In the past five years (2003-2007) in Colorado, 402 riders …

Earthquakes Raise Questions of Future Shocks, Public Readiness

Just weeks after earthquakes rattled Nevada, the Midwest and the coast of Oregon, and on the heels of the 102nd anniversary of San Francisco’s 1906 earthquake, the public, government officials and insurance industry professionals are wondering whether towns across could …

Court Denies Allstate’s Request to Avoid Rate Decrease

A San Francisco judge has refused Allstate’s request to block a 15.9 percent automobile insurance rate decrease. Thus, the California Department of Insurance said the rate decrease should take effect immediately, and will result in approximately $250 million in savings …


Patrick G. Ryan, founder and executive chairman Aon Corp., said he intends to retire Aug. 1, 2008. Ryan said the firm’s transition to a new management team under CEO Greg Case is complete. Ryan founded Aon, which has its origin …

Time to Expand Risk Retention Law to Property

The Liability Risk Retention Act of 1986 (LRRA) was enacted for the specific purpose of providing options to businesses and nonprofit organizations that were having trouble finding commercial liability insurance that suited their specific needs at prices they could afford. …