Monthly Archives: <span>May 2008</span>

Mutuals and Stocks Behave Differently in Insurance Cycles

Difference is tied to how mutual insurers build market share, Conning researcher says When it comes to managing through a soft cycle, mutual companies behave in a way that is different than their stock-owned brethren, according to a new research …

Survey: Majority of October’s California Wildfire Claims Settled

A new survey of insurance companies estimated that nearly 90 percent of claims stemming from the devastating October 2007 fire and wind storms in California have been settled. A poll by the Insurance Information Network of California of insurance companies …

Car Crash Deaths Increase Starting at Age 12, Study Finds

Child passengers ages 12 to 16 are more likely to die in a car crash than younger children, according to a study released in the Archives of Pediatric and Adolescent Medicine. That risk increases with each teenage year. The study …

Auto Exempted From Colorado Fair Accountable Insurance Rates Act

After much testimony and deliberation on Colorado House Bill 1389, the House Business Affairs and Labor Committee has amended a controversial bill that insurance associations said would have imposed a prior approval regulatory system on automobile insurance. The amendment exempts …

On Shaky Ground

There have been a lot of rumblings lately — with scientists recording earthquakes in Nevada, Oregon and throughout the Midwest ranging from magnitudes 4.7 to 5.4. The U.S. Geological survey recently noted that earthquakes remain a serious threat in 46 …


Boon for Buyer “This is the opportunity to take West Coast inventiveness and launch it with a global brand at a substantial premium to Safeco shareholders.” —Safeco President and CEO Paula Roseput Reynolds, commenting on Liberty Mutual Group’s intention to …

California Earthquake: Damage Predictions of ‘Big One’ Get Bigger

A new report is predicting that a repeat of San Francisco’s 1906 earthquake would damage more than 90,000 buildings and cost $150 billion to repair. According to the report, “When the Big One Strikes Again,” prepared for the 100th Anniversary …

Insurance Sector Ranks Second in Federal Political Giving

The nation’s lobbyists spent $17 million for every day that Congress was in session, watchdog group says Corporations, industries, labor unions, governments and other interests spent a record $2.79 billion in 2007 to lobby in Washington, the nonpartisan Center for …

Time to Expand Risk Retention Law to Property

The Liability Risk Retention Act of 1986 (LRRA) was enacted for the specific purpose of providing options to businesses and non-profit organizations that were having trouble finding commercial liability insurance that suited their specific needs at prices they could afford. …

Day Care Liability Measure Signed in Oklahoma

Oklahoma’s day care centers must carry liability insurance to compensate families whose children are injured or killed while in the day care’s custody, under legislation signed into law by Oklahoma Gov. Brad Henry. The bill, entitled Demarion’s Law, is named …