Monthly Archives: <span>June 2008</span>


Thomas F. Motamed has stepped down as vice chairman and chief operating officer for The Chubb Corp. to become chairman and chief executive officer of CNA Financial Corp., a position he will assume as of June 8, 2009. Motamed worked …

New Score Rates Insurers’ Hurricane Risk Assessment

The first of a new mark that rates how well insurance companies have assessed their potential catastrophe losses has been issued to HomeWise Insurance Companies by Karen Clark & Co. HomeWise earned an IMARC Data Score of 675 (Excellent), which …

Unmanned Planes Could Change Forecasting

Government scientists believe small unmanned airplanes sent to hurricanes’ cores could lead to revolutionary advances in storm forecasting and measurement. The drones are able to fly far lower than manned hurricane hunter planes and can beam back information from close …

Court Denies Retroactvity for Florida Asbestos

When Florida lawmakers passed asbestos legislation in 2005, they muddied the waters for plaintiffs afflicted with asbestosis who were in the throes of litigation. The state’s Fourth District Court of Appeal has now clarified the situation, ruling that the Florida …

It Figures

3,300 The number of Georgia victims affected by the Mother’s Day tornadoes who filed for help with medical and dental expenses, lost belongings, repair to homes and businesses and funeral costs. Officials approved more than $600,000 in federal disaster aid …

Florida’s McCarty Brings Anti-Credit Scoring Case to Congress

Florida’s Chief Calls for New Studies to Also Probe the Use of Occupation and Education in Rating State regulators, led by Florida’s insurance chief, recently told Congress that more study of the use of credit scoring by insurance companies is …

People Lockton Companies recently named Kevin McDaniel as president of its St. Louis office. McDaniel succeeds Whity Meyer, who was named chairman. McDaniel joined Lockton more than 10 years ago as a producer and most recently has been an executive …

State Regulators: Credit Scoring Use Needs More Study

State regulators recently told Congress that more study of the use of credit scoring by insurance companies is needed to determine if the practice is unfairly discriminatory. “As state regulators, it is our sincere desire that the federal government assist, …


Putting the Brakes on Teens “The impact of a teen crash extends beyond the emotional tragedies and physical injury at the crash scene, with costs that can extend to employers, families, the government and society overall.” —Jack Peet, community safety …

Wisconsin Court: Passenger Not Liable for Damages in Crash

The Wisconsin Supreme Court says a passenger in a vehicle that caused a fatal drunken driving crash does not have to pay another $250,000. The decision means Badger Mutual Insurance Co., which insured David Schrimpf, will not pay more damages …