Monthly Archives: <span>June 2008</span>

Salvage Operations Commence after Barge Accident in Kentucky

The Coast Guard says salvage operations are to start after two barges carrying iron ore sank in the Ohio River near downtown Louisville, Ky. Authorities shut traffic down on the river near where the two barges sank June 6. Coast …

SafeAuto Adding New Contact Center in Central Kentucky

SafeAuto Insurance Co., is adding a new contact center and backup data center to service customers nationwide in central Kentucky, a move that will create 236 new full-time jobs. The facility represents an annual net payroll of $7.3 million, Gov. …

Federal Judge: Mississippi Attorney General Conspired with Trial Lawyer

Mississippi Attorney General Jim Hood wrongly conspired with prominent trial attorney Richard “Dickie” Scruggs to skirt a court order in a case involving Hurricane Katrina insurance claims, a federal judge ruled. Referring to Hood as a “so-called law enforcement officer,” …

Authorities Say North Carolina Wildfire Could Burn for Months

Fire officials warned people living near a massive wildfire at a federal wildlife refuge in eastern North Carolina that the blaze could smolder for months in the peat-filled soil. The fire burned about 30,000 acres in and around the Pocosin …

Grow your Business through Increased Insurance Lead Production

If you are serious about your job as an insurance agent, you must realize that it is essential to collect as many leads as possible. A high quality lead is much easier to turn into a sale than a cold …

Inspectors Find Problems at Tennessee Nursing Homes

State inspections uncovered an unprecedented number of dangerous living conditions at Tennessee nursing homes during the past year. The crackdown comes after a May report from the Government Accountability Office found that Tennessee is one of nine states that most …

Mass. Agents, Arbella Challenge Managed Competition Rules

Massachusetts insurance agents and one of the state’s biggest auto insurers are going to court seeking to overturn rules that they say give new carriers an unfair advantage under the state’s new managed competition system. They are also challenging a …

Ratings: Mercer, Hallmark, Auto Club, Southern States, Meadowbrook, Iron Horse, Courtesy, Alabama Muni, Am. Millers

A.M. Best Co. has affirmed the financial strength rating of ‘A’ (Excellent) and issuer credit ratings (ICR) of “a” of Mercer Insurance Group of Pennington, NJ. The ratings apply to the following four inter-company reinsurance pool members: Mercer Insurance Company …

Tipped Battery Cart Led to Death of Minnesota Hospital Worker

A hospital worker who died in November in a motorized shelving unit was the victim of a battery cart that tipped over and tripped a switch activating the moving shelves, an investigation has found. Rice Memorial Hospital worker Susan Leukam …

Ratings Recap: Mapfre/Commerce, Eurasia, Gulf Re, Central Re, Pioneer

Standard & Poor’s Ratings Services said that its ratings and outlook on Spain’s Mapfre S.A. (A+/Stable/–; core operating entities Mapfre Empresas, Compania de Seguros y Reaseguros, S.A. and Mapfre Re Compañía de Reaseguros, S.A. are rated AA/Stable/–) and on Massachusetts-based …