Monthly Archives: <span>June 2008</span>

Arizona Passes Captive Insurance Legislation

The Arizona Legislature passed a bill designed to allow captive insurers to cover employment practices liability risk and remove the requirement that at least one incorporator be a resident of the state. Captive insurance is a form of self-insurance, whereby …

GINA: A Solution in Search of a Problem?

New law prohibits insurers from genetic discrimination Congress passed — and the President signed — a bill prohibiting discrimination by health plans and employers based on an individual’s genetic makeup. The Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act of 2008 (GINA) will apply …

Drive for Diversity

Inclusiveness helps companies avoid claims, increase innovation Companies big and small — in and outside the insurance industry — can reduce risk and increase profits by improving diversity. And improving diversity can help a company to avoid potential lawsuits and …

Auto Insurers Seek to Attract Latinos

Majority of advertising appearing in Spanish language media Automobile insurers are hungering for the Hispanic market’s premium dollars, according to a new report by Hispanic Market Weekly that analyzed marketing and media trends being used by the industry. Automobile insurers …

Insurance Companies Face Global Warming Claims

Corporations exposed to liability for greenhouse gas emissions The industry is about to enter an era of global warming insurance claims. Scientists have been warning about the impact global warming could have if greenhouse gas emissions are not reduced. Because …


Markel Corp.’s Board of Directors elected Anthony F. (Tony) Markel vice chairman and Paul W. Springman president and chief operating officer. Markel served Markel Corp. for more than 40 years, most recently as president and chief operating officer since 1992. …

Claims of Agent’s Professional Negligence Can Be Assigned To Third Party

The Supreme Court of Arizona ruled that an insurance agent’s clients may assert claims for professional negligence against the client and may assign such claims to third parties. According to D. Jere’ Webb v. Victoria Gittlen, in 2000, Neal and …

Texas Review Board Says Insurance Department Works Well but Offers Changes

Department could do a better job regulating property/casualty rates Texas Sunset Advisory Commission staff in a report released in May 2008 said the Texas Department of Insurance functions well but that the state’s “overall approach to insurance regulation” may need …

GINA: A Solution in Search of a Problem?

New law prohibits insurers from genetic discrimination Congress passed — and the President signed — a bill prohibiting discrimination by health plans and employers based on an individual’s genetic makeup. The Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act of 2008 (GINA) will apply …

Dispute Between State Farm and Texas Goes On

State Farm Insurance does not have to refund consumers some $650 million in alleged overcharges while its dispute with Texas regulators over homeowner rates is reviewed. A state appeals court ruled the insurer was denied its due process rights in …