Monthly Archives: <span>August 2008</span>

Financial Regulation Reform — But Not Paulson’s — Likely in 2009

Efforts to overhaul U.S. financial regulation are seen gathering pace early next year, as a new Congress and administration seek to safeguard public money put at risk by recent rescue measures. The Federal Reserve’s extension of emergency credit to investment …

AIR Analyzes TS Nuri

According to catastrophe risk modeling firm AIR Worldwide, Typhoon Nuri had weakened into a tropical storms when it came ashore over Hong Kong with maximum sustained winds of near 90 km/h (55 mph). AIR indicated Nuri had been expected to …

S&P Places Aon on CreditWatch/Negative

Standard & Poor’s Ratings Services has placed its ‘BBB+’ counterparty credit rating on Aon Corp. on CreditWatch with negative implications, following the announcement that Aon has “signed a definitive agreement to acquire unrated, U.K.-domiciled (Bermuda incorporated) reinsurance and risk intermediary …

Simoneau Returning as HUB International Quebec CEO

Hub International Limited announced that Pierre Simoneau has rejoined the company as President and CEO of Hub Quebec. He takes over from Andre Soucisse, who has left the company. HUB noted that Simoneau is returning to the Company “after a …

Zurich Offers Asset-backed Securitization in Ukraine

Zurich’s Emerging Markets Solutions group announced that it has provided political risk insurance (PRI) for the first public asset-backed securitization (ABS) project in the Ukraine. Zurich noted that this is the second time it “has provided political risk coverage for …

Insuring Olympic Gold Medals: How Much Are They Worth

The Olympic Games have concluded their run in Beijing. The 302 Gold Medal winners are returning to their respective countries to reflect on their experiences and their achievements. China is getting back to business (and air pollution) as usual, and …

Insure Your Diamonds for Full Value Warns Marsh

Marsh is warning jewellery collectors of the risk of underinsurance in the wake of spiralling diamond and precious metal prices. The broker issued a bulletin from its London office, which notes that “over the past 12 months, the price of …

Lloyd’s, RMS to Release Global Coastal Flood Report

Lloyd’s and Risk Management Solutions will publish a new report on coastal flooding on Tuesday, Sept. 9 in conjunction with the Reinsurance Rendezvous in Monte Carlo. Lloyd’s said the report looks specifically “at how measures to defend against flooding could …

Maple Leaf Foods Confirmed as Source of Deadly Canada Meat

A food poisoning outbreak that has killed four Canadians and sickened at least 21 others has been genetically linked to meat produced at a plant owned by Maple Leaf Foods Inc authorities said Saturday. The company, one of Canada’s biggest …

Lawsuit Challenges South Dakota’s Malpractice Cap

A medical malpractice complaint filed this month in Sioux Falls seeks to challenge the constitutionality of South Dakota’s cap on non-economic damages. South Dakota limits the amount of such damages to $500,000. That includes what’s commonly thought of as pain …