Monthly Archives: <span>August 2008</span>

Heartland Analyst Likes Insurance Broker Brown & Brown

There’s value to be found in this rangebound market in areas like insurance brokerages, North American natural gas as well as some industrials, a fund manager said. Brad Evans, who helps manage more than $2 billion in assets at Heartland …

Florida-based IBSL Hires Page as Marketing Underwriter

Steven A. Page joined Lakeland, Florida-based IBSL (formerly known as International Brokerage & Surplus Lines) as a marketing underwriter for non-trucking lines. Page comes to IBSL from Brown & Brown, where he served as national marketing manager for the company’s …

Forecasters Warn Gustav Could be Major Hurricane When It Reaches Gulf States Monday

Tropical Storm Gustav shifted course slightly on Thursday morning and moved toward the Jamaica, and forecasters predicted it would be a powerful hurricane by the time it reaches the Gulf of Mexico. “The re-formation of the center has caused a …

Louisiana Keeping Eye on Gustav; New Orleans Mulls Evacuation

Three years after Hurricane Katrina slammed into the Louisiana coast, New Orleans residents Wednesday again faced the prospect of an evacuation as Tropical Storm Gustav loomed. Not since Katrina and Hurricane Rita, which followed in its wake, have residents faced …

Residents Approve $6.6M Settlement Over Mass. Paint Factory Explosion

Property owners in Danvers, Mass., have approved a $6.6 million settlement offer by the co-owners of a paint factory that exploded in 2006 and caused major damage to their neighborhood. The deal, overwhelmingly approved at a meeting of members of …

Oil Industry Battens Down As Gustav Threatens Gulf

Oil companies ramped up preparations to evacuate some facilities as Hurricane Gustav made its way toward the U.S. Gulf of Mexico, becoming a potential threat to the region’s extensive oil and natural gas production. Oil prices spiked briefly Tuesday and …

AIG Buys 18% Stake in China’s MicroCred Nanchong

American International Group has acquired 18 percent of MicroCred Nanchong, China (MNC). The deal also gives AIG the exclusive right to sell micro insurance to MNC clients for two years. “MNC is the first wholly foreign-owned micro credit company in …

Willis Rebrands Irish Unit

Coyle Hamilton Willis, the Irish subsidiary of Willis Group Holdings, will change its name to Willis Risk Services (Ireland) Limited, effective September 15, 2008. “The move reflects Coyle Hamilton’s growing international business presence as part of the Willis global network,” …

Killer Storm Gustav Gains Strength; Could Threaten U.S. Gulf Coast

After causing more than 20 deaths in Haiti, Tropical Storm Gustav is now heading for Cuba, Jamaica and the Cayman Islands. The latest update from Miami’s National Hurricane Center indicates that Gustav is gaining strength, as it moves over the …

Maple Leaf Takes Blame for Food Poisoning Outbreak

Maple Leaf Foods Inc’s chief executive said Wednesday his company was fully accountable for an outbreak of listeriosis food poisoning, which has been linked to the deaths of 15 people in Canada. Michael McCain said food regulators or regulations were …