Monthly Archives: <span>September 2008</span>

Wis. Officials: Snow Storm Communications Helped in Flood Response

Wisconsin emergency management officials say a lack of communication during the 2008, February snow storm backup taught them how to better respond to this spring’s floods. The state Homeland Security Council issued a report recently criticizing the lack of a …

Navigators Increases Directors & Officers Liability Capacity

The Navigators Group Inc. announced that The Navigators Pro division of its principal underwriting agency subsidiary, Navigators Management Co., increased its capacity for directors and officers (D&O) liability insurance. In this heightened litigation environment and against the backdrop of recent …

Universal North Americal Offers Auto Coverage in Arizona, Nevada

Universal North America Insurance Co. will begin providing automobile insurance coverage in Arizona and Nevada this month, the company announced. The Universal family of insurance companies already provides homeowners insurance and other coverages to more than 140,000 residents in six …

California Governor, Legislature Agree on Budget

California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger and legislative leaders have agreed to a 2008-09 budget that concludes a very difficult budget negotiation process, addressing the state’s $15.2 billion budget shortfall with a combination of cuts and increased revenues. With the passing of …

Colordo Proposal Would Require County Wildfire-Prep Plans

A Colorado legislative committee studying the wildfire threat in Colorado is proposing a requirement that all counties have wildfire preparedness plans. The committee also is looking to put $50 million over five years into wildfire mitigation efforts. State Sen. Mike …

Crime Rate in Phoenix Area Falls in 2007

FBI crime reports indicate that violent crime fell in the Phoenix area in 2007. Based on data from 18 jurisdictions in metro Phoenix, violent crimes and property crimes both decreased 0.3 percent. The city of Phoenix saw the same decrease …

Swiss Re Gustav, Ike Net Claims $300 Million; to Hold ‘Investors’ Day’

Swiss Re announced that, based on current estimates, it expects its net claims for Hurricane Gustav to be approximately $50 million, and for Hurricane Ike approximately $250 million. Both claims are preliminary and are “”net of hedging and reinsurance protection.” …

Singaporeans Cancel 5,000 AIG Policies

Singaporeans canceled about 5,000 policies with American International Group Inc. last week after nervous policyholders lost confidence in the troubled insurance giant, the central bank deputy chairman said Monday, according to television station Channel News Asia. That was more than …

Illinois Woman Accepts $5.5 Million Settlement in Childbirth Lawsuit

A woman from the Chicago suburb of Northlake, Ill., whose son was born with severe brain damage, has agreed to a $5.5 million settlement with the doctors and hospital she blames for causing what will be a lifetime of problems …

Iowa Town Vows to Preserve Memories of 2008 Flood

Now that they’ve survived the flood of 2008, many in the Cedar Rapids, Iowa area are looking for ways to tell their story to future generations. The Carl and Mary Koehler History Center and area libraries are among groups examining …