Monthly Archives: <span>March 2009</span>

Kattermann Joins Brightclaim to Head Up Catastrophe Division

Atlanta, GA – March 19, 2009 – George Kattermann has joined BrightClaim as Vice President. His primary focus will be overall responsibility and management of BrightClaim’s Catastrophe Services. BrightClaim has an extensive track record successfully assisting their clients in developing …

Calif. Rating Bureau Recommends 24.4% Workers’ Comp Rate Increase

The Workers’ Compensation Insurance Rating Bureau of California (WCIRB) says it plans to submit a filing to the California Department of Insurance (CDI) recommending a 24.4 percent increase in pure premium rates that would be effective July 1, 2009, for …

AIG Asks Financial Products Employees To Give Up Half of Bonuses

American International Group Financial Products (AIGFP) employees who received retention bonuses in excess of $100,000 have been asked to return half of the bonuses, AIG CEO Edward Liddy told lawmakers on Capitol Hill today. AIG paid the employees up to …

Testimony of AIG CEO Liddy on Capitol Hill

American International Group CEO and Chairman Edward Liddy was among those scheduled to testify before a House subcomittee March 18 on Capitol Hill. The hearing of the House Financial Services Subcommittee on Capital Markets, Insurance, and Government Sponsored Enterprises will …

Insurance Agents 40-and-Younger: What Are YOU Thinking? Exclusive Young Agents Survey

Young property/casualty insurance agents and brokers across the U.S. are being called upon to answer some questions … and have some fun. Who are you? What do you really think about your career? about your industry? about the older agents …

Texas Senate Committee Considers DWI Breath Test Bill

Drunk driving suspects in Texas would no longer be allowed to refuse a breath or blood test under certain circumstances, under a bill being considered by the state Senate Criminal Justice Committee. Texas already allows police officers to take a …

Texas Lawmakers Try to Undo Drivers License Identification Rules

Some Democratic lawmakers joined by Texas residents who have had trouble getting drivers’ licenses under new Department of Public Safety rules are pushing for legislation that would undo a policy they say harms U.S. citizens and legal immigrants. Rep. Ruth …

Web Sites Exploiting Unemployed, Oklahoma AG Says

Oklahoma Attorney General Drew Edmondson and Jon Brock, executive director of the Oklahoma Employment Security Commission(OESC), are warning consumers about scams aimed at Oklahomans who may have fallen on hard times. The Oklahoma Employment Security Commission has received reports from …

Stimulus Money to Help in N. Idaho Fire Protection

Officials in northern Idaho say more than $2 million in federal stimulus money will be used in the region to prevent catastrophic wildfires and create 55 jobs. The U.S. Forest Service and the Idaho Department of Lands say the money …

Regulators: AIG Not Using Bailout Funds to Underprice Insurance

Despite some complaints by competitors, American International Group (AIG) does not appear to be using federal bailout funds to lower its insurance prices to keep and attract business, state and federal officials told a House subcommittee today. Representatives for the …