Monthly Archives: <span>March 2009</span>

Michigan Uncovers Agency’s Fake Auto Insurance Certificate Scheme

Michigan officials have warned consumers that they may have unknowingly purchased fraudulent automobile insurance certificates from a Detroit-based insurance agency named Fender Bender Insurance Agency. The Office of Financial and Insurance Regulation (OFIR) has ordered Fender Bender to cease and …

Maine Wants Crack Down on Impaired Snowmobile, ATV Operators

A bill to crack down on impaired operators of boats, snowmobiles and all-terrain vehicles in Maine proposes lifting motor vehicle licenses of offenders. The Criminal Justice and Public Safety Committee scheduled a hearing on the bill Monday. It would allow …

Vermont Begins Hearings on Same-Sex Marriage Bill

Vermont lawmakers are starting a week of hearings on a bill to legalize same-sex marriage. In 2000, Vermont became the first state in the U.S. to adopt civil unions. House and Senate leaders want to pass the gay marriage bill …

Allianz Posts $3.21 Billion 2008 Loss

Germany’s Allianz SE has released its full year figures for 2008, which show a net income loss of €2.444 billion ($3.21 billion), compared to 2007’s record net income of €7.966 billion ($10.46 billion). Total revenues declined by 5.3 percent to …

West Virginia Lawmakers Delay Drunk Driver Lock Expansion

A proposal to put interlocks in the vehicles of every West Virginian convicted of drunken driving appears to be on hold this year while lawmakers await the results of an earlier expansion of the program. But a West Virginia University …

Auto Loan Delinquency Rate Up Nearly 9%

The percentage of auto loans past due 60 days or more rose 8.9 percent in the fourth quarter of 2008, compared with the prior-year period, according to credit reporting agency TransUnion. And the numbers point to auto delinquencies shooting to …

Progressive CEO Receives $8.4M Compensation, Refuses Bonus

The chief executive of Ohio-based auto insurer Progressive Corp. received 8.8 percent less compensation in 2008 mainly because he declined to accept a performance-related bonus, as investment losses led to the company’s first annual loss in 26 years. Glenn Renwick, …

Democrats Agree Health Reform Must Include Medical Liability Changes

Medical malpractice overhauls have died many deaths in Congress over the years, often at the hands of Democratic lawmakers backed by trial lawyers. Attempts to change the system may be getting new life. As they search for savings to redo …

73 AIG Employees Got $1 Million Bonuses, Says New York AG Cuomo

American International Group Inc., which has received $180 billion in taxpayer money to stay in business, created 73 millionaires with bonuses of $1 million or more in 2008, New York’s top legal officer said on Tuesday. New York Attorney General …

State Farm Recalls Promotional Teddy Bears Made in China

U.S. insurer State Farm said on Tuesday that more than 800,000 teddy bears given out in North America as part of a company promotion were being recalled because of a choking hazard. The toys, called the “State Farm Good Neigh …