Monthly Archives: <span>March 2009</span>

Ace Europe Names Edwards for Major Client Risks

ACE European Group has announced the appointment of Shaun Edwards as a Client Relationship Manager for its Major Risks business, in a move, which, ACE said, “further enhances ACE’s profile and broker relationships within this area.” He will work closely …

Top 5 Reasons Insurance Consumers File Complaints Against Insurers

Former New Jersey Police Officer Sentenced for Insurance Fraud

A former Camden City, New Jersey police officer has been sentenced for insurance fraud for falsely claiming that vans used by his patient transportation business were only being driven for personal use, according to state officials. Darryl Miller, 42, of …

Mass. AG Questions Insurer’s High Risk Insurance Auto Rates

Massachusetts Attorney General Martha Coakley wants a public hearing to review the auto insurance rates of a new company entering the market in Massachusetts. Occidental Fire and Casualty Insurance Co. of North Carolina is asking to charge Massachusetts drivers rates …

Florida Insurance Taxes Could Fund Private School Vouchers

Insurance taxes may pay for private school vouchers in Florida for low income children. A House committee this week approved a measure that would allow insurance companies to send money to groups that provide vouchers to nearly 25,000 children across …

Workers Charge Kentucky Mine Safety Law ‘Under Attack’

Critics are complaining that three measures pending in the Kentucky legislature could undo key provisions of the state’s mine safety law. One would sharply reduce inspections performed by the Kentucky Office of Mine Safety and Licensing. Another would would cut …

Nevada OSHA Director Defends Construction Site Safety Efforts

The head of Nevada’s Occupational Safety and Health Administration defended his agency’s efforts to ensure workplace safety during a Senate committee hearing this week that marked the start of a monthlong review of such efforts. Tom Czehowski told the Senate …

Alabama Seeks to Reduce Farm Traffic Collisions

D.C. Thornton knows that as well as anyone because he has been in the cab during one of those near collisions. “We’ve had instances where people had to slam on the brakes to keep from hitting us while we were …

Hawaii Lawmakers Advance Cap on Medical Malpractice Awards

A bill to put caps on damages in medical malpractice cases is making its way through the Hawaii Legislature. The measure approved by the House Judiciary Committee is supported by doctors. The committee had rejected similar measures in the past, …

The Hartford Reported In Talks to Sell Life Insurance Unit

Hartford Financial Services Group Inc. is in talks to sell most of its life insurance subsidiary to Sun Life Financial Inc. of Canada, Bloomberg News reported, citing anonymous people. Splitting the Hartford, Conn.-based insurer in two and unloading most of …