Monthly Archives: <span>April 2009</span>

P/C Insurers Profitable in 2008 Despite Big Hits From Catastrophes, Financial Crisis

Property/casualty insurers remained profitable in 2008 despite taking hits from several catastrophes, the recession and the ongoing financial crisis. P/C insurers earned $2.4 billion in net income after taxes in 2008, but profits and profitability both tumbled as catastrophe losses, …

Make the iConnection: Engage Your Future Leaders

Talent Strategies for Understanding Generation Y Employees “They all received trophies just for showing up. They are unable to accept failure.” “If they don’t like the way the game is being played, they will take their ball and go home.” …

Frequency Down but Severity Still a Problem for Medical Liability Insurers

Like just about any company anywhere on earth, medical liability insurers lost money on their equity investments in 2008 due to the meltdown in the U.S. and worldwide economies in the latter half of the year. However, for the first …

Renewal Strategies in Challenging Times

In today’s challenging times, retaining current agency business is more important than ever. Below are a few tips to help your agency retain its renewal business. Be Out There Early The producer needs to go see their clients at least …

On the Road to Latin American Opportunity

As a large region with solid prospects for long-term growth, Latin America continues to gain in popularity as a market for many U.S. companies. Exporters to this region, however, can face significant challenges when it comes to getting their goods …

Too Big to Fail

How the Feds Can Address Systemic Risk Without Creating More Bureaucracy America’s market-based economic system once created the largest economic engine in the world and gave this country one of the highest standards of living in history. However, that system …

Marine Cargo Insurance for Small to Mid-Size Businesses Doesn’t Have to Sink the Ship

Importers and exporters that ship only a modest volume of goods do not have to settle for the often pricey or inadequate marine cargo insurance that is available from freight forwarders — the usual source of this kind of coverage …

101 Things Young Agents Like MOST

The exclusive 2009 Insurance Journal Young Agents Survey asked independent agents under 40 years old: What do you like most about being an independent agent? Here’s what some of the 692 agents who took the survey had to say: Working …

Special Delivery: Added Value with Cargo Insurance

As Cargo Theft Rises, Carriers’ Special Investigative Units Offer Relief A driver pulls into a truck stop, heads inside to shower and eat — and then discovers his fully loaded trailer gone when he returns. A truck disappears from a …

Recession Affecting Both Supply and Demand for Insurance Coverage

Commercial insurance follows a boom-and-bust pricing cycle thought to be largely uncorrelated with broader economic cycles. But according to a new report released by Advisen Ltd., the current recession is different. The severity of the economic crisis will adversely impact …