Monthly Archives: <span>April 2009</span>

Timing Earthquake Coverage

Timing an Earthquake Coverage Purchase Is Like Trying to Time the Stock Market Anyone who has been impacted by the recent volatility of the stock market will tell you that it’s impossible to time the stock market’s ups and downs …

Nevada Court Addresses Medical Malpractice Backlog

The Nevada Supreme Court is taking steps to resolve a backlog of medical malpractice lawsuits through a “settlement marathon” in May. Court spokesman Bill Gang said teams of two senior judges will be assigned to conduct settlement conferences on malpractice …


Thoits Insurance of San Jose, Calif., promoted Paul Saich to CEO. Saich replaces Don Way, who had been with Thoits for 44 years, and will remain as chairman of the board. Saich joined Thoits Insurance in 1996 and most recently …

California Reconsiders En Banc Decisions

The California Workers’ Compensation Appeals Board has decided to reconsider its earlier en banc decisions in Ogilvie v. City and County of San Francisco, Almaraz v. Environmental Recovery Services and Guzman v. Milpitas Unified School District, which industry experts say …

Arizona’s Wildfire Season Poses Risks for Homeowners

As the drought in the Southwest worsens, the wildfire season in Arizona grows longer, burning more acreage and threatening private property in forested areas. “The Arizona State Forestry Division estimates more than 4,000 homes, businesses, and other structures were threatened …

Examinations Under Oath: The Basics

Understanding the Rights and Obligations Imposed on the Insured One of the most powerful tools available to an insurer in adjusting first-party property claims is the right to examine the insured under oath (EUO). Thus, it is important that every …

It Figures

12 Number of tropical storms Colorado State’s hurricane team estimates will occur in 2009. The research team said of those 12 storms, six could become hurricanes including two “major” hurricanes of Category 3 or higher on the five-step Saffir-Simpson intensity …


Chinese Drywall Concerns “I believe you’re going to see this is widespread. Anytime you have mounting evidence of potentially toxic goods you have an obligation to act quickly to protect consumers.” —U.S. Sen. Bill Nelson, D-Fla., a member of the …

Washington Implements Flood Insurance Coverage Law

Washington Gov. Chris Gregoire has signed Senate Bill 5417, an act relating to flood insurance coverage. According to the law, “every insurer issuing a homeowner, condominium unit owner, residential tenant and residential fire insurance policy that does not cover damage …

Medical Liability Policies Are Typically Claims-Made

Retroactive Period Serves to Limit Liability Period Medical malpractice liability insurance policies, like most professional liability policies, are typically “claims-made” policies. Claims-made policies generally provide coverage only for those claims that are made during the policy period notwithstanding when the …