Monthly Archives: <span>April 2009</span>

What is Your Agency Worth?

Insurance agencies are like snowflakes, no two are alike. Most of the calls from prospective insurance agency sellers start with, “What are agencies selling for these days?” or, “What kind of multiple can I expect if I sell my agency?” …


Federal Aid “We need a more disciplined, structured plan for providing federal assistance following any major natural disaster.” —U.S. Sen. Bill Nelson, D.-Fla, in asking the U.S. Treasury to provide assurances to private market lenders that any loans they make …


Florida Governor Charlie Crist has named Marjorie Renee Hill of Tallahassee as Judge of Compensation Claims. Hill, 47, has served as the director of the First District Court of Appeal’s Workers’ Compensation Unit since July 2008. Previously she has served …

North Carolina Challenges 1.4% Auto Hike

A 1.4 perent rate hike requested by North Carolina auto insurance companies is being contested by state officials. Insurance department actuaries have concluded that the increase is not warranted in part because it incorporates certain reinsurance costs. Insurance Commissioner Wayne …

Business Moves

AIG American International Group (AIG) has taken down the most prominent sign at its downtown Manhattan offices. According to a Reuters report, the company replaced the large AIG sign — outside the entrance to its property/casualty offices — as part …

Florida Finds People Can’t Trust People’s Trust Insurance

One of Florida’s new startup property insurance companies that was expected to help pick up the slack when State Farm Florida exits the market has been barred from selling any new policies. The company was found to be violating numerous …

Auto Loan Delinquency Rate on the Rise

The percentage of auto loans past due 60 days or more rose 8.9 percent in the fourth quarter of 2008, compared with the prior-year period, according to credit reporting agency TransUnion. The numbers point to auto delinquencies shooting to their …

Flunking Gramm’s Test

Remember the good old days when customers knew their bankers and property owners knew who held their mortgages and the economy did just fine? Remember the good old days when banks were in banking and insurance companies were in insurance …

Regulators: AIG Not Using Bailout Funds to Under-Price Insurance

Despite some complaints by competitors, American International Group (AIG) does not appear to be using federal bailout funds to lower its insurance prices to keep and attract business, state and federal officials told a House subcommittee recently. Representatives for the …

Florida Denies State Farm Hearing on Homeowners Market Withdrawal Plan

Florida Insurance Commissioner Kevin McCarty has denied State Farm Florida an administrative hearing on details of the insurer’s plan to withdraw from the state’s homeowners market. State Farm Florida has balked at requirements McCarty has attached to its withdrawal including …