Monthly Archives: <span>April 2009</span>

ACE Launches New Homeowners Coverage for High Net Worth Families

ACE Private Risk Services, part of the ACE Group of Cos., unveiled a new homeowners policy designed to meet the needs of high net worth customers. The new policy, which will be offered through independent agents and brokers, allows families …

New Branch Manager Named at USG Insurance Services’ Tampa Office

USG Insurance Services Inc, a national wholesale broker of commercial insurance headquartered in Tampa, Fla., announced that Christine Kops has been promoted to branch manager of the Tampa office. Kop previously served as USG Florida production manager, brokerage manager and …

Hammer Hits New York Cab after Falling from Sachs Tower

Construction has been halted at Goldman Sachs’ new headquarters in lower Manhattan after a worker’s hammer fell 18 stories and crashed through the rear window of a passing cab. No one was injured on Wednesday after the hammer fell from …

Florida Charges NFL’s Stallworth with DUI Manslaughter in Crash

The NFL and the Cleveland Browns are reviewing the charges against wide receiver Donte Stallworth, who is accused of killing a pedestrian while driving his Bentley drunk after a night out at a posh South Beach hotel. Stallworth was expected …

Convicted Pennsylvania Ex-Judge Won’t Get Bond Pending Appeal

A retired Pennsylvania Superior Court judge will not be freed on bond while he appeals his insurance fraud conviction. Senior U.S. District Judge Maurice Cohill Jr. says Michael Joyce must report to federal prison once authorities find a place for …

Yankees Ballpark Charity Sued by Ex-Administrator

A nonprofit organization set up to distribute donations from the New York Yankees to community groups in the Bronx has been sued by a lawyer who, until recently, was the fund’s administrator and spokesman. In a suit filed in a …

Vermont Says Asbestos Deaths Linked to Work Not Home

Five people who died of an asbestos-related lung disease were exposed to the material at their jobs and not because they lived near a now-closed asbestos mine in northern Vermont, the state Health Department said Wednesday. According to a Health …

Best Says Validus’ Ratings Unchanged after IPC Offer

A.M. Best Co. has commented that the financial strength rating of ‘A-‘ (Excellent) and issuer credit rating (ICR) of “a-” of Bermuda-based Validus Reinsurance, Ltd. and ICR of “bbb-” of Validus Holdings, Ltd. are unchanged following the recent unsolicited offer …

UK Athletics Appoints Marsh Risk and Insurance Adviser

Marsh’s London office announced that it has been appointed by UKA, the National Governing Body for athletics in the UK, to manage the organization’s insurance and risk programs, effective April 1, 2009. Marsh said it would “undertake an extensive review …

International Chamber of Commerce Welcomes G20 Support on Trade

The Washington, D.C.-based International Chamber of Commerce has issued a statement welcoming the “G20 support for Doha Round and pledge to fight protectionism.” However the ICC chided the conference participants for their “lack of support for strong monitoring system on …