Monthly Archives: <span>April 2009</span>

Connecticut Considers More Time for Abuse Victims to Sue

Connecticut lawmakers are considering a bill extending the time given to alleged victims of childhood sexual abuse to file civil lawsuits. Connecticut law currently lets people sue for alleged abuse for 30 years after their 18th birthdays. The new proposal …

Missouri House OKs Bill Requiring Fire-Safe Cigarettes

Cigarettes sold in Missouri would have to be self-extinguishing under a bill receiving first-round approval in the House. The goal is to lower the chances of a fire breaking out if a smoker falls asleep with a lit cigarette. So-called …

Prepayments Planned by Backlogged Oklahoma Insurer

A state workers’ health insurance plan in Oklahoma recently came under renewed criticism when state lawmakers and plan administrators said it may take months to get rid of a backlog of more than 200,000 unpaid health care claims filed by …

La. Account Exec. Named Region VI Insurance Professional for 2009

Pattie Smestad, an account executive with Eagan Insurance Agency in Metairie, La., was named 2009 Region VI Insurance Professional of the Year by the NAIW (International). Smestad, who has been with Eagan Insurance for 15 years, has been a member …

Arkansas Lawmakers Pass Measure Banning ‘Accident Tax’

Arkansas lawmakers have approved a new law that stops local governments from billing motorists for accident response services performed by police departments, according to the Property Casualty Insurers Association of America (PCI). HB 1895, sponsored by Representative Allen Kerr (R-Little …

Florida Suspends License of Weakened Coral Insurance

A Florida domestic property insurance company has been told to stop writing business– the second time in a week state regulators have had to act against an insurer. Hollywood-based Coral Insurance, which began doing business in March 2004 and has …

Foremost Insurance Expands Dwelling Fire Program in Utah

Foremost Insurance Group has expanded its dwelling fire program in Utah. Foremost is accepting more landlord and rental property customers, and offering new, larger discounts. Typically known as the solution for hard-to-place landlord and owner-occupied properties, the program also includes …

Connecticut Cigarette Theft Estimated at $1M

Connecticut police say that a weekend theft of cigarettes from a Milford warehouse is now estimated to be worth about $1 million. Police say the thieves who broke into Montano Cigarettes, Candy & Tobacco Inc. stole some 15,000 cartons of …

Michigan Auto Insurance Fee for Serious Injuries to Rise

Michigan motorists will pay $20.31 more this year to a fund helping support seriously injured accident victims. The Michigan Catastrophic Claims Association this week raised the annual assessment to $124.89 per vehicle. The assessment is passed on from insurance companies …

U.S. Health Secretary Nominee Sebelius Vows Food Safety Upgrade

Kansas Governor Kathleen Sebelius vowed Tuesday to make the Food and Drug Administration a “world class” regulatory agency and to work with industry to improve food safety if she is confirmed as health and human services secretary. Sebelius told the …