Monthly Archives: <span>May 2009</span>

Benefit by Experimenting With a Second Agency Brand

Enjoy the Freedom of Marketing Experimentation Property/casualty agencies can learn something valuable from successful car dealers. And no, it has nothing to do with waxing and buffing. It’s something even shinier, the wisdom to experiment. Dominant dealers are renown for …

Fight for IPC Re Intensifies; Pirates Continue Attacks; Solvency II Gets EU OK

A good old-fashioned fight has developed between Bermuda-based Validus Holdings and the Max Capital Group over the latter’s planned amalgamation with IPC Re. At the end of March, Max announced that it had made a deal with IPC Re’s board …

Attacked in a Restaurant: The Insurance Implications of Assault and Battery

Being attacked by one or several restaurant employees is unexpected and somewhat disturbing. But it happened so quickly I could not react quickly enough to avoid being victimized. The Setup My wife arranged a surprise birthday dinner party to celebrate …

Pandemics in the Workplace

How a Flu Pandemic Impacts Workers’ Comp Influenza is nothing new. Seasonal flu epidemics — disease outbreaks with more cases than normal— occur annually killing between 250,000 to 500,000 people worldwide. While most deaths associated with influenza in industrialized nations …

Inside the Beltway-Federal Regulation Threat Remains Priority

Health care reform hasn’t completely overwhelmed federal regulation as a concern in Washington, at least for insurance agents. They believe that given all of the current financial turmoil, some type of financial regulatory reform is likely this year. “Congress is …

Education Strategy Propels Workers’ Comp Agency’s Growth in Down Economy

While the economy is in freefall, a Sioux Falls, S.D., workers’ compensation agency, Insurance Specialty Group, is racking up double-digit growth. According to owner Renae Eidenshink, the reason for this remarkable record is simply that the agency focuses on education …

Amid Obstacles, Opportunities Exist

In today’s environment, the value of personal relationships, soar. Nobody fosters these better than insurance agents. You don’t need to get too deep into conversation these days to find out people are afraid. Given changes in business, the economy and …

Capital, Capital, or Where Did All the Money Go?

At least the global depression has focused people’s minds on some important issues. The Group of 20 (G20) meeting in London acknowledged the need for more capital to shore-up the world’s financial system — essentially the U.S./UK view — as …

Outside the Beltway-Big ‘I’ CEO on Carrier Relations, AIG and Agent Grassroots

Bob Rusbuldt, president and CEO of the Independent Insurance Agents & Brokers of America (Big “I”), sat down with Insurance Journal‘s Andrew Simpson at the association’s recent legislative conference in Washington, D.C. The following excerpts are from the complete interview, …

Business Moves

Wells Fargo Insurance Services, North Coast Surety Wells Fargo Insurance Services Inc., part of Wells Fargo & Co., acquired the assets of North Coast Surety Insurance Services and North Coast Surety Technologies. Terms were not disclosed. North Coast Surety Insurance …