Monthly Archives: <span>May 2009</span>

Florida Restores Cap on Workers’ Compensation Attorneys’ Fees

Florida has passed legislation to restore a cap on attorneys’ fees in workers’ compensation cases, a measure backed by the state’s insurance regulator. The bill (HB 903) effectively overturns a Florida Supreme Court ruling last fall that found the cap …


The Independent Insurance Agents & Brokers (the Big “I”) has awarded Alex Soto with the Woodworth Memorial Award, the highest honor the association bestows on one of its members. Soto is president and CEO of InSource, Inc. in Miami and …

Obesity Defined

According to the National Institutes of Health (NIH), the term “overweight” refers to body weight that is at least 10 percent over the recommended weight for a certain individual. Recommended weight standards are generated based on a sampling of the …

Merry Crist Mess

Not all deregulation measures are good; some are a mixed blessing. Consider HB 1171 that passed the Florida House and Senate and was sent to Gov. Charlie Crist, a regular critic of the industry who was reportedly hesitant to sign …

How To Avoid Costly Hiring, Firing Mistakes in a Down Economy

With layoffs, downsizing and stressed-out employees, it is more important than ever for employers to fully grasp the legal aspects of hiring, managing and terminating workers. Hiring new employees is an important step for any company, but the work does …

Midwest’s ‘Tornado Alley’ Now Under Special Radar

As part of an ambitious attempt to figure out how tornadoes form and how to predict them more accurately, engineers from the University of Massachusetts are deploying two special mobile Doppler radar systems to the Great Plains. The national project, …

Indiana Lawmakers Eliminate Policy Re-rate Mandate

The Indiana General Assembly has removed a provision in Indiana law requiring insurance companies to re-rate an insurance policy at least once every three years based on current credit information. The decision to re-run credit information will be left to …

Michigan Objects to Chrysler-Fiat Deal Over Workers’ Compensation

Michigan is objecting to the sale of Chrysler LLC assets to Italian automaker Fiat, claiming the new company won’t meet obligations to a state workers’ compensation fund. State Attorney General Mike Cox has filed papers in bankruptcy court in New …

Office Oddballs Make Everyone Better

Insurance agency managers could learn a lot from a beet-farming, volunteer sheriff and paper salesman like Dwight Schrute. Schrute, the character played by Rainn Wilson on NBC’s “The Office,” is an oddball whose eccentricities and awkward interactions leave his coworkers …


QBE Regional Insurance recently added Charles Valinotti and Mike Bondura to its leadership team headquartered in Sun Prairie, Wis. Valinotti, senior vice president of Personal Lines, oversees personal property and casualty insurance offerings for QBE Regional’s four subsidiaries. His diverse …