Monthly Archives: <span>May 2009</span>

Indiana Lawmakers Eye Excess Fire Department Charges

An amendment to Indiana House Bill 1447 would reduce the amount some citizens of that state would be billed by fire departments responding to emergencies. The insurance industry trade association, Insurance Institute of Indiana, says the amendment would rein in …

It Figures

$10,000 The highest per claim deductible being offered under a new Ohio Bureau of Workers’ Compensation deductible program. The program will initially offer five deductible levels: from $500 per claim to up to $10,000 per claim. Private employers have until …

AIG Transitioning P/C Units to AIU Holdings

American International Group Inc. (AIG) has begun the process of rebranding its insurance units as an independent entity, AIU Holdings, by transferring the company to a special purpose vehicle (SPV) in preparation for the potential sale of a minority stake …


Manchester, New Hampshire based Aspen Insurance Agency has named Patrick Martell as an account executive. Martell has held several key positions in his 20-year insurance career, most recently in a sales capacity for a local insurance agency. He previously worked …

The Carlet Letter? New Jersey Tags New Drivers with Decal

Would you drive any differently if you knew there was a teenager behind the wheel of the car in front of you? You might find out soon. A first-in-the-nation law in New Jersey will require new drivers ages 21 and …

What Agents Want

Money is the lifeblood of any business. But when it comes to running insurance agencies, money isn’t the main thing that principals look for when they do business with a certain carrier. Claims handling, it turns out, is the truly …

It Figures

$52.5 Million Amount of settlement reached between Babcock & Wilcox Co. and a group of residents who live near a former nuclear fuel plant in western Pennsylvania. The settlement ends the final claim brought by 365 people who live in …

As Credit Scores Fall, Criticism of Insurers’ Credit Scoring Rises

Consumer Advocates Focus on How Insurers Treat Insureds in Difficult Economic, Credit Climate With consumers’ credit scores dropping as lenders tighten credit terms, insurance consumer advocates are stepping up their criticism of the use of credit scores by insurance companies. …

Business Moves

AIG, AIU American International Group, Inc. (AIG) has taken the first step to position the rebranding of its insurance units as an independent entity, AIU Holdings. AIG has transgered the company to a special purpose vehicle (SPV) in preparation for …

Being Prepared

Don’t Lose Sight of the Greater Risks We Face No one could fail to have noticed that we are in the grip of a recession. With unemployment affecting 2 million in the United Kingdom, interest rates almost at zero and …