Monthly Archives: <span>June 2009</span>

Nevada Governor Signs Bill to Change Division of Insurance Funding

Nevada Gov. Jim Gibbons has signed a bill that will change the funding structure of the Nevada Division of Insurance and strengthen consumer protections in the area of viatical settlements. The bill, Senate Bill 426, passed May 22 in the …

Regulator: California Workers’ Comp Insurance Rating Bureau Needs to Address Challenges

The California Department of Insurance has released an audit report of the state’s Workers’ Compensation Insurance Rating Bureau. Among the recommendations are that WCIRB should: Begin to collect the detailed, transaction-level data needed to perform refined analyses of the potential …

Chinese Drywall: Builders, Subs Face Huge Uninsured Losses

Policy Exclusions Are a Problem, But Builders Can Be Protected General liability carriers specializing in contractor insurance for builders and drywall subcontractors (subs) are “sweating it out” over the potentially massive claims dollars that could be paid out in litigation, …

Agents Can Help Fight Insurance Fraud

Insurance agents can play a big role in helping states to fight insurance fraud. And with insurance fraud costing California alone $15 billion each year, or $500 per resident, the cost of which is eventually passed onto consumers, they should …

Pressure Is On to Catch a Few Bad Apples

Fraud Investigators on Alert to Prevent Property/Casualty Agent Abuses from Spreading Those who track insurance criminals for a living say that as the economy has worsened, insurance fraud has been on the rise — and they are on the alert …

Construction on an Annual Policy

Coverage Triggers, Products/Completed Operations, and the Importance of Maintaining Continuity For many insurance professionals focusing on construction, any in-depth discussion of coverage triggers, prior-work exclusions and continuous/progressive damage wording is likely to cause serious confusion. Of course, it doesn’t have …


Insurance Friendly “What I discovered in the course of looking at Judge Sotomayor’s overall body of opinions on coverage issues was far more interesting than any one case. Judge Sotomayor has been very, very insurer-friendly during her time on the …

Oregon Workers’ Comp Payments Up 3.4%

Oregon’s Department of Consumer and Business Services has published a report examining trends in medical costs during 2000-2007. According to the report, for the period studied, total workers’ compensation costs increased at an average rate of 3.4 percent per year. …

California Senate Passes Insurance Fraud Bill

The California Senate has passed SB 156 to authorize the Department of Insurance or a district attorney to convene meetings with an insurance company to discuss a specific insurance fraud and would provide that any person sharing information pursuant to …

Insurance Agents, Brokers: Beware of Scam

Licensed insurance agents and brokers in California, Colorado and Nevada are being warned to beware of a scam targeting them. The Nevada Division of Insurance, California Department of Insurance and Colorado Division of Insurance each have received reports that individuals …