Monthly Archives: <span>June 2009</span>

Insurance in Times of Financial Crisis

Legal Issues To Be Aware Of With EPL, D&O and Fiduciary Liability Insurance The current financial crisis affects almost every aspect of our business life — that includes insurance. Businesses need to be wise consumers and aware of the legal …

Finding Fraudsters

Insurance fraud has become a nationwide problem, and experts say it’s a problem that has the potential to get worse as people look for ways to cut down on their expenses as the economy tightens. “The special agents at NICB …


Fair Oaks, Calif.-based Insurance Resources Consultants, an IR Group subsidiary, named Richard Rohde executive vice president and senior consultant. He will offer strategic planning and operational improvement consulting to retail agencies and managing general agents. Rohde was most recently president …

2004/2005 Hurricane Seasons Provided Unprecedented Claims Data

Cat Modelers and Insurers Applying Lessons Learned Since Hurricane Katrina wreaked its damage in 2005, catastrophe modeling firms and the property and casualty insurance industry have learned more about the scientific and actuarial nature of hurricane risk, according to experts …

Chinese Drywall: Builders, Subs Face Huge Uninsured Losses

Policy Exclusions Are a Problem, But Builders Can Be Protected There is a lot at stake for all parties because the damages on a per house basis are likely to be astronomical. General liability carriers specializing in contractor insurance for …

How to Hire the Next Generation of Leaders

Five Sure-Fire Ways to Get the Best Talent in Your Agency The insurance industry is transitioning into a new era. For years, Baby Boomers have led the way and now, as they approach retirement, must find a way to pass …


Never Say Never “I never rule out the option of a special session… The idea that somehow or another these agencies are going to go away, that’s not going to happen.” —Texas Gov. Rick Perry. After the Texas Legislature adjourned …

Texas Windstorm Insurance Bill Passes

Texas lawmakers on the first day of the 2009 hurricane season and the last day of the Texas legislative session passed a bill – HB 4409 – aimed at recapitalizing the Texas Windstorm Insurance Association (TWIA). TWIA serves as the …

Insuring Milestones

Insurance Journal recently ran a story on its Web site,, about the increasing popularity of wedding insurance. The economy, it seems, is driving the young and in love in greater numbers to seek economic protection in case their dream …

Texas, Oklahoma AGs Sue BP

In separate court actions, Texas Attorney General Greg Abbott and Oklahoma Attorney General Drew Edmondson have charged BP Products North America Inc. with pollution violations (Texas) and manipulating the price of propane (Oklahoma). Abbott alleges the company violated state health, …