Monthly Archives: <span>June 2009</span>

Prank Calls Set Off Hotel Fire Alarms in 4 States

The calls have all been similar pranks: A frantic man urges hotel desk workers or guests to set off a fire sprinkler, sound an alarm or bust windows. It’s always the same: Do it now! And, authorities said, they did. …

Investor Soros: Ban Credit Default Swaps as ‘Weapons of Destruction’

Credit default swaps are “instruments of destruction” that should be outlawed, billionaire investor George Soros said on Friday. Soros said the asymmetry of risk and reward embedded in CDS exerted so much downward pressure on the bonds underlying the contracts …

The Hartford to Get $3.4 Billion in Federal Funds; Plans Stock Sale

Hartford Financial Services Group Inc. said it will take as much as $3.4 billion of federal bailout money and sell up to $750 million of common stock to bolster capital after large losses on investments. The 199-year-old life and property …

Stalled New York City Construction Sites Could Become Safer

New York City developers may soon be able to renew building permits at stalled construction sites for up to four years, as long as they agree to safety monitoring and inspections while the projects are stalled. Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg …

Head of New York Workers’ Comp Board Stepping Down

Zachary Weiss, chairman of the New York State Workers’ Compensation Board, will resign next month to become a federal administrative law judge. He became chairman of the board in October 2007, and was instrumental in implementing the state’s workers’ compensation …

Int’l. Chamber of Commerce Calls on G8 to Avoid Economic Nationalism

“The G8 summit should resist pressures to resort to economic nationalism and should further strengthen international cooperation to meet the challenges posed by the global recession, climate change and product counterfeiting,” said a bulletin from the International Chamber of Commerce …

Max Capital Terminates Amalgamation Agreement with IPC

The Bermuda-based Max Capital Group Ltd. Has decided to throw in the towel on its efforts to merge with IPC Holding Ltd. Following the decisive rejection of its amalgamation proposal by IPC shareholders on Friday [See IJ web site – …

World Legislators Warn G8 Must Take the Lead on Climate Change

Legislators from around the world called on G8 nations on Friday to take the lead on climate change by slashing their carbon output and promising hundreds of billions of dollars to help poorer countries adapt. One hundred parliamentarians from rich …

Worst of Global Crisis May Be yet to Come Says Head of IMF

The worst of the global economic crisis may be yet to come, International Monetary Fund chief Dominique Strauss-Kahn said on Monday. Finance ministers of the Group of Eight nations agreed over the weekend that the global economy was showing encouraging …

Lloyd’s ‘360 Report’ Analyzes Impact of Global Political Instability

A new report from Lloyd’s – “Global Recession: The Magnifying Glass for Political Instability” – written with Control Risks, concludes that the “global economic recession is likely to cause increasing geopolitical instability that may pose problems for international businesses.” Richard …