Monthly Archives: <span>June 2009</span>

Argo Renames Lloyd’s Business as ‘Argo International;’ Enoizi New CEO

The Bermuda-based Argo Group International Holdings announced that its Lloyd’s operation, Heritage Managing Agency Ltd., has been renamed Argo Managing Agency Ltd. and will conduct business under the brand name of “Argo International.” The rebranding continues the integration of the …

Regulator: California Workers’ Comp Insurance Rating Bureau Needs to Address Challenges

The California Department of Insurance has released the audit report of the state’s Workers’ Compensation Insurance Rating Bureau. Recommendations made by the audit suggest that WCIRB should: Begin to collect the detailed, transaction-level data needed to perform refined analyses of …

Western United to Offer Pay-As-You-Drive Insurance in Nevada

Western United Insurance Co., which also does business as AAA Nevada Insurance Co., will be offering pay-as-you-drive auto insurance in Nevada. According to the Nevada Division of Insurance, which approved the rate filing, the “usage-based” auto insurance will use mileage …

Insurance Agent Named to South Carolina Parole Board

The owner of a South Carolina insurance business is the newest member of the South Carolina Board of Probation, Parole and Pardon Services. Gov. Mark Sanford appointed Alan Gardner of Newberry to the post last week. Gardner has served on …

California Earthquake Authority CFO Named CFO of the Year

Tim Richison, chief financial officer of the California Earthquake Authority, has been named CFO of the Year by a regional business journal. Judges cited Richison’s achievements as part of the original team at CEA. He has direct responsibility for all …

Insurance Women of Los Angeles Install New Officers

The Insurance Women of Los Angeles recently installed new officers and honored its award winners for the year. Incoming officers are: President Christine Chandler-Tillett of Workmen’s Auto Insurance Co.; President Elect Susan Fife of Hoffman Brown Co.; Treasurer Lily Gastelum …

Sloan Mason Offers Trash Haulers, Landfill Operators Package

Sloan Mason, based in San Diego, Calif., has introduced coverages for garbage/trash haulers and landfill operators, available nationwide. The A XV rated carrier provides general liability, pollution and auto coverage. Minimum premium is $25,000 for general liability/pollution/auto combined. The following …

Ohio Workers’ Comp Board OKs Safety Rules, Rate Decrease

The Ohio Bureau of Workers’ Compensation (BWC) Board of Directors has approved rule changes associated with the safety standards in the Ohio Administrative Code for several industries. Ohio law allows BWC to adopt rules establishing worker safety standards that are …

Breaux to Lead Sleeper Sewell

Dallas-based Sleeper Sewell Insurance Services Inc. announced that Von Breaux is now responsible for leading the company as part of his duties as recently named president and chief executive officer of ANBTX Insurance Services Inc. Sleeper Sewell is one of …

Graves Joins Hays Companies as Associate Director in Benefits Group

Hays Companies, a Minneapolis, Minn.-based insurance broker, recently added Ben C. Graves as associate director of research and compliance in the employee benefits division of Hays Benefits Group LLC. Graves’ responsibilities include providing technical and compliance advice for cafeteria plans, …