Monthly Archives: <span>June 2009</span>

Entitled to Fail

It is quite possible that some of the executives caught up in the corporate scandals at AIG, the automakers, Wall Street firms and some life insurers are victims of their own sense of entitlement. The same might be said of …


10 Years “Unless there’s some Einstein out there that knows something none of us do, the prevailing thought among the researchers is that a good 24-hour forecast of intensity change is a goal, a stretch goal, that might be attainable …

State Auto: How a Regional Carrier Weathers the Storms

Super Regional CEO Restrepo Talks Catastrophe Losses, Premium Growth and Independent Agents How are regional insurance companies faring in today’s climate — financial and catastrophe? What challenges do they face? How can they grow? Why are they so popular with …


Neal S. Wolin has been confirmed by the U.S. Senate to serve as the deputy secretary of the U.S. Department of the Treasury. In February, Wolin was named deputy assistant to the President and deputy counsel to the President for …


Undue Stress “The pending sale could create undue stress on our workers’ compensation system. We will fight every step of the way to ensure Ohio’s self-insured employers and their workforce are protected.” —Ohio Attorney General Richard Cordray. Ohio has joined …

It Figures

$5 Million The estimated cost of repairs and clean-up at Southern Illinois University at Carbondale as a result of high winds that tore through the campus in May. Much of that total will go to fix broken windows and roof …

Michigan Termite Case Could Increase Liability for Real Estate Sellers

A dispute over termites before the Michigan Supreme Court could af-fect the liability of real estate sellers. When Richard and Stacey Roberts bought an old house on Michigan’s Leelanau Peninsula, they thought the home’s other tenants were gone for good. …

Agents Can Help Fight Insurance Fraud

Employee Background Checks Essential Insurance agents can play a big role in helping states to fight insurance fraud. In fact, because they are on the front lines of insurance transactions, agents might see and hear things before the insurance company, …

Is Your Database Holding You Back?

How to Create a Culture of E-Mail Collection in Your Organization These are not the heady times of the past when you could take a flyer on an untried marketing tactic. Sales are thinner, margins are slimmer and subsequently, marketing …

Rhode Island Surgeon Operates on Wrong Part of Mouth

Officials at a Providence, Rhode Island hospital group say an oral surgeon began operating on the wrong part of a patient’s mouth last month before discovering the error. It’s the fifth wrong-site surgery in the last two years in the …