Monthly Archives: <span>July 2009</span>


Drunk Driving Decrease “I’m pleased to see that our battle against drunk driving is succeeding. However, alcohol still kills 13,000 people a year on our roads and we must continue to be vigilant in our efforts to prevent drunk driving.” …

Making Safety a Universal Language

Non-English-speaking Hispanic workers present unique safety challenges. Picture this: It’s your first day on the job with a construction crew. Your boss asks you to lay a foundation for an office building. High above, another worker is walking along a …


LoriAnn Lowery resigned her position as president of Lloyd’s North America after a little more than a year on the job. Lowery took over as Lloyd’s North America president in April 2008, replacing long-time president Wendy Baker. Before joining Lloyd’s, …

Further Challenges to Anti-Concurrent Cause Clauses

Hurricane Katrina brought the question of the validity and applicability of ACCs to the forefront. Hurricane Katrina, in addition to causing unprecedented damage and destruction, added significantly to the workload of state and federal courts in Louisiana and Mississippi. Almost …

Douglas Soderberg, with Alejandro Gomez and Claudia Dias, owners of Los Paisanos Market.

Business Moves

American Safety, Victore Insurance Bermuda-based American Safety Insurance Holdings Ltd.’s American Safety Casualty Insurance Co. (ASCIC) subsidiary has acquired Victore Insurance Co. (VIC), an Oklahoma domiciled admitted insurance company headquartered in Oklahoma City. VIC provides customized bonding solutions for the …

Louisiana Citizens CEO: Rate Hike Probable in 2010

Louisiana Citizens Property Insurance Corp. CEO John Wortman said the state-backed property insurer will likely seek another rate hike for next year, roughly a 10 percent statewide average increase, on top of this year’s 7 percent increase. The percentage increases …


Temporary Fix “This extension is just a temporary fix, but it is a significant and welcome development for millions of homeowners and small businesses who count on the National Flood Insurance Program for protection in the event of flooding. —Charles …

Mini Reasons to Stay Sober

The survey showed a decline in the percentage of legally intoxicated drivers, but for the first time used screening techniques that detected other substances as well. My husband and I recently bought ourselves a new car for the first time …

Oklahoma Verification System Now Operational

Oklahoma’s new electronic verification system for vehicle insurance is now fully operational. Drivers still will need to present an insurance verification card when renewing their vehicle registrations. Information on the card will be entered into an online database and matched …