Monthly Archives: <span>July 2009</span>

Tanning Beds Pose High Cancer Risk

The World Health Organization’s International Agency for Research on Cancer has classified UV-emitting tanning devices as “carcinogenic to humans,” moving the devices to the highest cancer risk category as deadly as arsenic or asbestos. For years, scientists have described tanning …

Lewis to Lead Independent Insurance Agents of Central Texas

The Independent Insurance Agents of Central Texas announced the following new board members for 2009-2010: President Steven Lewis, Anco Insurance Vice President Kyle Paschall, Naler Insurance Agency Past-President Don Sorrell, Pinnacle Insurance Group Officers: Lora Sykora, Insurance Network of Texas …

Colorado Casualty Appoints Irving to Regional VP for Arizona

Colorado Casualty, a Liberty Mutual Agency Markets regional company headquartered in Centennial, Colo., announced the appointment of Brent Irving to regional vice president for the company’s Arizona territory, which includes Nevada and New Mexico. Prior to this appointment, Irving was …

Burns & Wilcox Assumes Business Written Through Cambridge General

Farmington Hills, Mich.-based Burns & Wilcox, a managing general agent/insurance wholesaler, has completed a transaction with Cambridge General Agency and has assumed its book of insurance business. In addition, Burns & Wilcox hired a number of Cambridge’s employees. “This transaction …

Some Question Michigan Judge’s Refusal to Recuse in Insurance Case

A Michigan Supreme Court justice’s decision not to recuse herself from a case that pertains to her husband’s profession contradicts the spirit of a recent U.S. Supreme Court ruling on when judges should step aside because of possible conflicts of …

Auditor: TVA Lawyers Limited Ash Spill Report

The Tennessee Valley Authority failed for more than 20 years to heed warnings that might have prevented a massive coal ash spill in Tennessee, then allowed its lawyers to stifle a $3 million study into the disaster’s cause to limit …

U.S. Senate May Drop Public Health Care Option

Lawmakers on both sides of the Capitol struggled to reach a health care deal Tuesday, with Senate Democrats near agreement with three Republicans on a plan that would not include a government-run insurance option backed by President Barack Obama. After …

Suit Targets The Hartford’s Handling of Hurricane Wilma Claims in Florida

A Miami lawyer has filed class action suit against The Hartford alleging the company failed to pay replacement cost on Hurricane Wilma claims to insureds who had purchased the coverage. The suit claims The Hartford refused to pay replacement cost …

Study: Pennsylvania Workers’ Comp Claim Costs Rising

Medical costs for workers’ compensation claims in Pennsylvania are typical of those in other states but rising, according to the Workers Compensation Research Institute (WCRI). In a new study, the Cambridge, Mass.-based WCRI found that typical medical costs per claim …

Ruling Expected Soon on Tapping New Hampshire Malpractice Fund

A judge is expected to rule this week whether New Hampshire can take $110 million from a malpractice insurance fund to balance the state budget. Judge Kathleen McGuire froze the fund last month until its ownership is determined. The state …