Monthly Archives: <span>January 2010</span>

Hurricane Forecasters Promise Earlier Warnings

The National Hurricane Center said this week it will begin issuing storm watches and warnings about half a day sooner in the biggest change to its warning system in decades. When a storm is approaching land, forecasters will now send …

HUD Helps Virginia Homeowners with Suspect Drywall

Some families in Virginia whose homes were built with suspect drywall from China may be eligible for assistance to help rehabilitate their properties. To qualify, families must have insurance through the Federal Housing Administration. Charles Famuliner, director of the U.S. …

RMS Forecasts Increased Growth for Insurance Linked Securities in 2010

A bulletin from Risk Management Solutions notes that the fourth quarter of 2009 was the “most active… ever for catastrophe bond issuance, reaching almost $1.1 billion in total volume, eclipsing the previous best fourth quarter by over 75 percent.” RMS …

Liberty Mutual Receives China Approval to Open Zhejiang Branch

Liberty Mutual Group, through its wholly owned subsidiary Liberty Insurance Company Limited (LICL), has been granted approval to establish a branch in Zhejiang by the China Insurance Regulatory Commission (CIRC). Liberty Mutual’s Chinese operations are headquartered in Chongqing. The CIRC …

Lloyd’s Analyzes New and Changing Risks

The start of a new decade is always a time to take stock in what the past has brought, and what the future may bring. As part of its “360 Risk Insight” series, Lloyd’s of London queried “a cross section …

Woodruff-Sawyer & Co. Names Frost VP, Employee Benefits

Nancy Lee Frost has joined San Francisco-based Woodruff-Sawyer & Co. as vice president, Employee Benefits. She will focus on business development and employee benefits consulting. Frost has more than 20 years of experience in the insurance industry. She is a …

Washington Saves $128 Million By Fighting Fraud

The fight against fraud in the workers’ compensation system brought in $128 million to Washington last year, according to a new report from the state Department of Labor & Industries (L&I). In addition to recovering fraudulent payments and overpayments to …

New York Plans First Steps to Creating Lloyd’s Competitor

New York regulators are aggressively pursuing plans for a reincarnation of the New York Insurance Exchange and expect to assemble a “working group” of industry insiders within the next two weeks who will guide the revival of a Lloyd’s of …

CNA Chief Motamed: What’s Ahead for CNA, Economy, Industry

After 30 years at Chubb Corp, Thomas Motamed joined Chicago-based commercial lines insurer CNA Financial in January 2009 as chairman and CEO. In this edited interview with Insurance Journal’s Andrew Simpson, Motamed talks about his goals and changes at CNA, …

Sen. Dodd Announces Plans to Retire

Veteran Democratic Senator Christopher Dodd said Wednesday he will not seek re-election in November in recognition that he faced an uphill battle and underscoring upheaval facing President Barack Obama’s Democrats. Dodd, 65, chairman of the Senate Banking Committee and leader …