Monthly Archives: <span>April 2010</span>

Connecticut Recovered over $1M from Insurers in First Quarter

The Connecticut Insurance Department said it recovered over $1 million on behalf of consumer in the first quarter of the year. The department’s consumer affairs unity, which oversee complaints against insurers, handled roughly 1,600 complaints and inquiries during the three-month …

Obama: U.S. Faces Another Financal Crisis If Lessons Aren’t Learned

U.S. President Barack Obama will tell Wall Street Thursday to accept a sweeping bill to overhaul financial regulations, warning of another crisis unless rules are tightened to rein in the industry’s risky practices. In a speech in New York that …

Progressive Launches Car Insurance App for Google’s Android Smart Phone

Progressive Insurance has launched a car insurance app for smart phones using the Google Android operating system, one of the fastest growing smart phone platforms. “We’ve seen a 30 percent increase in visits to our mobile Web site by Android …

Hospitals Shifting Costs to Auto Insurance System, Study Finds

Low reimbursements from public health insurance programs, such as Medicare and Medicaid, have prompted hospitals to shift costs to automobile insurance companies—raising auto injury claim costs and forcing auto insurers to more closely scrutinize and negotiate hospital bills prior to …

Earth Day: How Insurance Coverages Respond to Greening of America

Green energy, sustainable food, recycling, hybrid vehicles – environmental awareness is impacting the lives of Americans everyday. Many consumers are choosing to make both small and large changes to reduce their carbon footprint. Today, the 40th anniversary of Earth Day, …

Florida Residents Seek $500 Million in Superfund Lawsuit

Residents of a neighborhood on the edge of a polluted Florida Superfund site have sued the property owners, seeking at least $500 million to decontaminate their homes and monitor their health. The so-called Cabot/Koppers Superfund site covers about 140 acres …

Obama Memo Triggers Confusion Over Legality of Pirate Ransoms

Shipping companies with U.S. interests don’t know if they are allowed to pay ransoms to Somali pirates anymore after President Obama declared them an “extraordinary threat,” even as pirates extended their reach farther than ever toward Asia, hijacking three Thai …

IIAT Launches Certified Account Manager Development Program

The Independent Insurance Agents of Texas (IIAT) is launching a new educational program exclusively for Texas agents who want to go beyond the technical issues in their professional development. The Certified Account Manager (CAM) program is designed to build confidence, …

Zurich Enhances Healthcare Primary Policy for Medical Facilities

Zurich’s Specialty Products Healthcare practice has upgraded its Healthcare Primary policy to respond to a variety of risks that medical facilities face. “The daily interactions between medical facility personnel, patients and visitors can expose these organizations to a broad range …

Liberty Mutual Surety Introduces Liberty SuretyFirst

Liberty Mutual Surety has introduced Liberty SuretyFirst as its new operating unit exclusively serving independent agents whose customers have small to mid-sized bonding capacity needs. Liberty SuretyFirst provides the regional surety services with the capacity and national resources of Liberty …