Monthly Archives: <span>April 2010</span>

The Other Time Element Coverages

Off-Premises, Contingent Business Income and Other Time Element Options for Clients The impact of recent high-profile natural catastrophes has brought to the forefront the need for businesses to have appropriate time element insurance coverage in place. With this raised awareness, …

E&O Insights: Dangers of Renewing Business Interruption Coverage ‘As Is’

Understand Where Property Coverage Ends and BI Coverage Begins It would probably be rather difficult to find many agents unaware of business interruption coverage. Most recognize that for their business customers, business interruption (BI) coverage is extremely valuable. It is, …

Dealing with the Cover-Up

Increase in Falsified Insurance Applications Tied to Economy One of the many consequences of a tight insurance market during tough economic times is that potential insureds may have difficulty obtaining coverage if they have bad loss records or conditions that …

Business Moves

Texas Mutual, AgriComp Texas Mutual Insurance Co. has launched a new workers’ compensation purchasing group for the agriculture industry, AgriComp. Any licensed Texas agent can submit qualifying clients for consideration. AgriComp is open to qualifying seed merchants, cotton farming gins, …


New York-based insurance brokerage and risk management firm Integro has hired Robert H. Easton as deputy general counsel and chief compliance officer. Easton most recently served as deputy superintendent and general counsel for the New York State Department of Insurance. …


Big Rig Giveaway “I like Volvos. … I really like the style of the new ones.” —Ron Terrill, an Oklahoma truck driver, said he entered Great American Insurance Group’s “Big Rig Giveaway,” for the first time in 2010 after learning …

Louisiana Citizens OKs 7% on Average Residential Rate Hike

Homeowners who are dependent on Louisiana’s property insurer of last resort will see rates increasing by an average 7 percent statewide. Rate increases — as well as decreases — will vary widely, especially in southeastern Louisiana where Louisiana Citizens Property …


McQueary Henry Bowles Troy LLP (MHBT), recently named Fred Pecina and Jeremy Sandusky partners in the agency. Pecina is based in the firm’s Ft. Worth office, and Sandusky works in MHBT’s Dallas office. Pecina, previously the director of employee benefits …

Perfect Storm Brings Opportunities in Covering Health Care Providers

Health Care Reform Opens Doors for New Exposures and Markets Those in the business of providing liability coverage to doctors, nurses and other health care professionals, may have just found themselves in a perfect storm of opportunity. Health care reform …

Spring Brings New Crop of Fraud Laws in Northeast

Fraud bills are blooming like azalea bushes around the East this spring, and statehouses are rife with upside potential for substantive new fraud laws in 2010. This counters the recent logic that many state lawmakers are too busy trying to …