Monthly Archives: <span>May 2010</span>

Louisiana Insurance Commissioner Urges Flood, Hurricane Preparedness

Louisiana Insurance Commissioner Jim Donelon kicked off his summer storm tour to raise awareness for hurricane and flood preparedness by urging consumers to protect themselves and their property against Louisiana’s most frequent and unpredictable natural disasters. Experts are predicting an …

More Homeowners Could Need Flood Coverage with Post-Ike Maps

A federal revision of flood maps in 17 Texas coastal counties based on information from Hurricane Ike could lead to costly insurance increases for some homeowners. The Houston Chronicle reported that hurricane levees completed in the 1980s are unlikely to …

Survey: Michigan Employers Shifting Healthcare Costs to Employees

A survey of mid-sized Southeast Michigan employers shows that health benefits are on par with national trends as traditionally rich benefit offerings go by the wayside, according to McGraw Wentworth, a Michigan-based employee group benefit brokerage/consulting firm. McGraw Wentworth’s 2010 …

South Carolina Boating Deaths On Rise

Boating deaths in South Carolina this year have already surpassed the total in 2009, and safety officials are worried with the Memorial Day weekend approaching. The Sun News of Myrtle Beach reported that, as of last Friday, 15 people had …

Insurers Paid $768 Million in Losses from 2009 Colorado Windstorm

An insurance organization says a windstorm that brought two weak tornadoes, rain and hail to the western Denver suburbs last July caused $768 million in insured losses to vehicles and homes. The Rocky Mountain Insurance Information Association said that it’s …

CNA Select Risk Extends Reach with New York, Los Angeles Offices

CNA Select Risk – which includes Excess & Surplus (E&S) business, as well as Wholesale Property accounts – announces new growth in its Casualty unit with the opening of new locations in New York City and, soon, Los Angeles. The …

Michigan Employee Sues Hooters, Claims Weight Bias

A former Hooters employee in a Detroit suburb has sued the restaurant chain, alleging she was unable to keep her job after being told to lose weight. Cassandra Smith alleges that Hooters put her on 30-day “weight probation” and advised …

U.S. Supreme Court Upholds IRS Power to Demand Work Papers

The U.S. Supreme Court let stand an appeals court decision upholding the power of tax authorities to demand legal work papers from corporations. The lower court ruled in favor of an Internal Revenue Service bid for legal papers from corporate …

Shareholders Sue BP, Allege Safety Failure Created Liability Exposure

Shareholders have sued the board of BP Plc for failing to monitor safety and exposing the company to potentially enormous liability related to the Deepwater spill disaster in the Gulf of Mexico, according to court documents. A month ago a …

First System Forms Before Atlantic Hurricane Season Officially Opens

The U.S. National Hurricane Center started tracking the first low pressure system of the 2010 Atlantic hurricane season late Sunday, reminding energy and commodities traders of the coming storm season, which officially starts June 1 and ends Nov. 30. The …