Monthly Archives: <span>June 2010</span>

Calling Leads Six Times Equals Success

Does this sound familiar? Your insurance agency is buying and generating a high volume of quality leads, you have a highly capable sales department, and yet your ROI ranges from decent to poor. At Leads360, we hear the above scenario …

AIG on ‘Clear Path to Repaying Taxpayers,’ Says CEO Benmosche

But Treasury Chief Says a Full Recovery for Taxpayers Remains Uncertain The head of bailed-out insurance giant American International Group said in late May that the company was on its way to repaying the government, but a U.S. Treasury official …

Commercial Market to Remain Stable, Challenging for Risk Managers

Marsh Sees Insurer Security, Transparency, Accountability as Issues Despite the global economic crisis, the commercial insurance market is poised to remain stable through 2010, but new challenges are emerging for risk managers, according to a report issued by insurance broker …

Small Town Hiring Blues

Overcome the Hurdles of Recruiting to Smaller ‘Big Cities’ Regardless of a high unemployment rate, top talent will always be in demand among insurance organizations. If your company is based in a smaller city, you may face obstacles such as …

Sales Strategies in Difficult Times

Price, Renewals, Cross Selling and More The weak economy and continued soft market still has a stranglehold on insurance agents. Most agents are doing a good job on retention. However, lower premiums (and commissions) coupled with lost accounts due to …

What Agencies Should Do When Key Employees Leave

Protecting Trade Secrets, Confidential Agency Information Critical, Attorney Hirshfeld Says The insurance industry is a highly competitive market, even when it comes to its work force. There’s a shortage of highly qualified employees at all levels of the industry. Agency …

New Markets

The following markets were selected from the MyNewMarkets database of 25,000 coverages and programs. To find additional markets, or to submit markets, go to Speaker and Entertainer No-Show, Cancellation Coverage Market Detail: HCC Specialty Underwriters can provide coverage for …

Agents’ Top-Rated Carriers Make Fast Adjuster Contacts

Survey Shows the Amount of Time It Takes an Adjuster to Contact Insured Matters Most Independent agencies and their carriers perform a huge variety of tasks for policyholders when originating and servicing policies, but how they handle claims provides the …

Top 10 Tips to Help Agents Improve Their Careers

Relationships, Time Management, Reputation and Professional Development Pays Off Everyone loves top 10 lists, and I’m no exception. There is something inherent in human nature to want to quantify and rank things. Whether it’s sport teams, songs, movies, or restaurants, …

Insurance Programs Must Work for All Involved

To some, a great solution; to others, a rate war triggering menace. What could that be? Well, insurance programs that have their good and bad points. There Are Several Forms of Programs A master policy covering individual members of a …